C# (CSharp) HandCoded.Finance Namespace


Name Description
Calendar Calendar instances implement the rules for determining if a Date is a business day in the location it represents.

The rules for public holidays vary from country to country but with the exception of special occaisions (e.g. royal weddings, funerals, etc.) can usually be predicted years in advance.

CalendarRule A CalendarRule instance contains the data and algorithmic rule necessary to compute the date when a holiday will fall in any appropriate year.
CalendarRule.Easter The Easter class extends CalendarRule with an understanding of Easter related holidays.
CalendarRule.Fixed The Fixed class extends Calendar with an understanding of how to handle holidays than fall on fixed dates and for which the associate public holiday date may be rolled.
CalendarRule.Offset The Offset class extends CalendarRule with an understanding of holidays that fall on a day offset from the start of a month (e.g. Thanksgiving in the US).
DateRoll Instances of the DateRoll class carry out financial date adjustments. A DateRoll instance will apply a particular adjustment rule to a given Date using a business day Calendar to skip non-working days.
DelegatedDateRoll The DelegatedDateRoll class provides a implementation of the abstract DateRoll class that allows the use of delegates.
DelegatedWeekend The DelegatedWeekend class provides a implementation of the abstract Weekend class that allows the use of delegates.
Interval An Interval is a length of time expressed as an integer multiple of some Period, for example five days or three months.
Period Period defines a set of time units (day, week, month, etc.)
RuleBasedCalendar A RuleBasedCalendar uses a set of CalendarRule instances to derive the dates on which holidays will occur either in the past or the future.
Temporal The Temporal class provides storage for the optional timezone offset portion of Date, DateTime and Time instances.
TemporalDate The TemporalDate class defines a set of weekday constants needed by both the Date and DateTime classes.
Weekend The Weekend class provides a mechanism to test if a Date falls on a weekend (e.g. non-working day). In traditionally Christian countries Saturday and Sunday are non-working but other religions have selected other days.