C# (CSharp) Habanero.Faces.Win Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BOEditorControlUtils A Utility Class used by BOEditorControlWin and BOEditorControlWin{T} providing common functionality.
BOEditorControlWin A Control for Editing/Viewing an IBusinessObject.
BorderLayoutManagerWin Manages the layout of controls in a user interface by having a component assigned a compass position. For instance, having the "east" position assigned will result in the control being placed against the right border.
ButtonGroupControlWin Manages a group of buttons that display next to each other
ButtonSizePolicyWin An implementation of IButtonSizePolicy that will size all the buttons equally based on the widest one. It also maintains a minimum button size equal to the screen resolution / 20.
ButtonWin Represents a button control
CalendarCell Represents a cell that holds a calendar date
CalendarEditingControl A control for editing date and time values
CheckBoxStrategyWin Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a CheckBox depending on the environment
CheckBoxWin Represents a CheckBox control
CloseBOEditorDialogWin This is a Dialog Box that is specialiased for dealing with the Closing of any form or application that is editing Business Objects. The dialogue box will display a sensible message to the user to determine whether they want to Close the Original form without saving, Save the BO and then Close or Cancel the Closing of the original form.
CollapsiblePanelGroupControlWin An interface for a Group on ICollapsiblePanels. The collapsible Panels are placed one above the other and when the one opens the panels below are moved down. The Interface works simply, you add the controls (AddControl) that will be displayed on an ICollapsiblePanel on this control in the order that you want them displayed. This control will then create the ICollapsiblePanel with the appropriate heading text and the appropriate Expanded (ICollapsiblePanel.ExpandedHeight and Collapsed height.
CollapsiblePanelSelectorWin Provides an implementation of the IBOCollapsiblePanelSelector an interface for a control that specialises in showing a list of Business Objects IBusinessObjectCollection. This control shows each business object in its own collapsible Panel. This is a very powerfull control for easily adding or viewing a fiew items E.g. for a list of addresses for a person.
CollapsiblePanelWin Implements ICollapsiblePanel for Windows Forms.
ComboBoxDefaultMapperStrategyWin Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a lookup ComboBox depending on the environment. For Windows this provides the interaction where the Business Object is updates as soon as a new item is selected from the Combo Box.
ComboBoxKeyPressMapperStrategyWin Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a lookup ComboBox depending on the environment
ComboBoxSelectorWin This is a control that can be placed ona a form. Provides an implementation of IBOComboBoxSelector that is specialised for showing a collection of Business Objects (IBusinessObjectCollection) in a IComboBox and allowing the user to select one. This Control works in conjunction with the ComboBoxCollectionSelector.
ComboBoxWin Represents a ComboBox control
ComboBoxWin.ComboBoxObjectCollectionWin Represents the collection of items in a ComboBox
ControlCollectionWin Represents a collection of controls
ControlHabaneroExtensions Extension method for IControl Habanero that make it easier to work with ControlAdapters.
ControlMapperStrategyWin Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a control depending on the environment
ControlWin Defines controls, which are components with visual representation
ControlsHelper Provides useful utilities for windows controls. E.g.
  • SafeGui
  • DataGridViewCheckBoxColumnWin Hosts a collection of DataGridViewCheckBoxCell objects
    DataGridViewColumnWin Represents a column in a DataGridView control
    DataGridViewComboBoxColumnWin Represents a column of DataGridViewComboBoxCell objects
    DataGridViewDateTimeColumn Implements a column of cells that support a DateTimePicker
    DataGridViewDateTimeColumnWin Hosts a collection of cells that support a DateTimePicker
    DataGridViewImageColumnWin Hosts a collection of DataGridViewImageCell objects
    DataGridViewNumericUpDownColumn Represents a numeric column in data grid view
    DataGridViewNumericUpDownColumnWin Hosts a collection of cells that support a NumericUpDown
    DateRangeComboBoxWin Provides a selection of common date range options which a user can select from, modifying a start date and end date depending on the selection. The options to choose from, such as "Yesterday", "Last Week" or "This Year", can be modified by the developer. When adding this control, add an event handler on the SelectionChangeCommitted event, and obtain the StartDate and EndDate properties at this time.
    NOTE: The start and end dates are the two boundaries of a potential range. Whether they should be inclusive or exclusive depends on the developer and how they are implemented. For instance, if today is Nov 13, Yesterday would provide a start date of Nov 12, 12am and an end date of Nov 13, 12am.
    To add additional menu options that aren't available, simply add the new text item to the ComboBox, using Items.Add. When you pick up the SelectionChangeCommitted event, check if the new text string is selected in the Text property and use your own calculations instead of fetching the StartDate and EndDate.
    DateTimePickerControllerWin Provides utilities to control how a DateTimePicker appears and behaves
    DateTimePickerUtilWinTemp Gets and sets date-time values in any given date-time picker
    DateTimePickerWin Represents a DateTimePicker control
    DefaultBOEditorFormWin Provides a form used to edit business objects. This form will usually be constructed using a UI Form definition provided in the class definitions. The appropriate UI definition is typically set in the constructor.
    DialogUtilities These utilities provide quick methods for retrieving information from a user dialog. For example: an open file name or select folder name dialog.
    DockStyleWin Class that provides utility methods for the System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle class
    EditableGridButtonsControlWin Provides a set of buttons for use on an IEditableGridControl. By default, Save and Cancel buttons are available.
    EditableGridControlWin Provides a combination of editable grid, filter and buttons used to edit a collection of business objects
    EditableGridWin Provides a grid on which the user can edit data and add new business objects directly.
    IMPORTANT: This grid does not provide any buttons or menus for users to save the changes they have made, and all changes will be lost if the form is closed and changes are not saved programmatically. Either carry out a dirty check when the parent form is closed and take appropriate save action using SaveChanges(), or use an IEditableGridControl, which provides Save and Cancel buttons.
    ErrorDescriptionForm A form that allows the user to capture additional information about what happened when the error occured and to send this to the relevant person.
    ErrorProviderWin Provides a user interface for indicating that a control on a form has an error associated with it
    ExtendedComboBoxWin A ComboBox with a Button next to it on the right with a '...' displayed as the text.
    ExtendedTextBoxWin A Text Box with a Search Button. This is typically used for cases where there is a large list of potential items and it is not appropriate to use a ComboBox for selecting the items.
    FileChooserWin Provides a means to choose a file and makes the selected path available to a control that needs it
    FilterControlWin Manages a group of filter controls that create a filter clause used to limit which rows of data to show on a DataGridView
    FormExceptionNotifier Provides a form that displays an exception to the user
    FormExceptionNotifier.CollapsibleExceptionNotifyForm Provides a form to display the exception message, using a "More Detail" button that collapses or uncollapses the error detail panel
    FormWin Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface
    GridBaseWin Provides a DataGridView that is adapted to show business objects
    GroupBoxGroupControlWin Represents a Windows control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption
    GroupBoxWin Represents a Windows control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption
    HabaneroAppWin Provides a template for a standard Habanero application, including standard fields and initialisations. Specific details covered are:
    • The class definitions that define how the data is represented and limited
    • The database configuration, connection and settings
    • A logger to record debugging and error messages
    • An exception notifier to communicate exceptions to the user
    • Automatic version upgrades when an application is out-of-date
    • A synchronisation controller
    • A control factory to create controls
    • A data accessor that specifies what type of data source is used (DB by default)
    To set up and launch an application:
    1. Instantiate the application with the constructor
    2. Specify any individual settings as required
    3. Call the Startup() method to launch the application
    HelpAboutBoxWin Provides a form that displays information about the application
    LabelWin Represents a label
    ListBoxWin Represents a control to display a list of items
    ListBoxWin.ListBoxObjectCollectionWin Represents the collection of items in a ListBox. This is an adapter class which simply wraps the Windows ObjectCollection (ListBox.Items)
    ListBoxWin.ListBoxSelectedObjectCollectionWin Represents the collection of selected items in the ListBox. This adapts the WinForms SelectedObjectCollection for Habanero.Faces
    ListComboBoxMapperStrategyWin Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a list ComboBox depending on the environment
    ListViewCollectionManager Maps a ListView object in a user interface
    MainTitleIconControlWin This control is the Title Control that is is present at the top of the right hand panel This control is used to provide context for the Business Object being shown in the Panel.
    MultipleAsyncOperationException Provides a combination of read-only grid, filter and buttons used to edit a collection of business objects.
    Adding, editing and deleting objects is done by clicking the available buttons in the button control (accessed through the Buttons property). By default, this uses of a popup form for editing of the object, as defined in the "form" element of the class definitions for that object. You can override the editing controls using the BusinessObjectEditor/Creator/Deletor properties in this class.
    A filter control is placed above the grid and is used to filter which rows are shown.
    NullWizardStepWin An implementation of WizardStep that does nothing and is drawn as a blank panel. Can be used as a placeholder step in a Wizard that changes depending on selections made by users.
    NumericUpDownCell Manages a cell that holds a numeric value
    NumericUpDownEditingControl A control for editing numeric values
    NumericUpDownMapperStrategyWin Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a NumericUpDown depending on the environment
    NumericUpDownWin Represents a spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays numeric values
    OKCancelDialogFactoryWin Creates OK/Cancel dialogs which contain OK and Cancel buttons, as well as control placed above the buttons, which the developer must provide.
    OKCancelDialogFactoryWin.OKCancelPanelWin Represents a panel that contains an OK and Cancel button
    PanelWin Used to group collections of controls
    PictureBoxWin Represents a TextBox control
    ProgressBarWin Represents a progress bar control.
    RadioButtonWin Enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other RadioButton controls
    ReadOnlyGridButtonsControlWin Provides a set of buttons for use on an IReadOnlyGridControl. By default, Add and Edit buttons are available, but you can also make the standard Delete button visible by setting the ShowDefaultDeleteButton property to true.
    ReadOnlyGridWin Provides a grid on which a business object collection can be listed but not edited. If you would like more functionality, including the ability to add, edit and delete the objects, use IReadOnlyGridControl instead.
    SplitContainerWin Represents a button control
    SplitterWin Represents a splitter control that enables the user to resize docked controls. Splitter has been replaced by SplitContainer and is provided only for compatibility with previous versions.
    StaticDataEditorWin Provides an editor for static data in an application. Static data serves a number purposes including providing source data for lookup lists used in drop-downs.
    The editor typically consists of a TreeView on the left and an EditableGrid on the right, where data for the selected type in the TreeView can be edited.
    TabControlWin Manages a related set of tab pages
    TabPageCollectionWin Contains the collection of controls that the TabPage uses
    TabPageWin Represents a single tab page in a TabControl
    TextBoxMapperStrategyWin Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a TextBox depending on the environment
    TextBoxWin Represents a TextBox control
    ToolTipWin Represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays a brief description of a control's purpose when the user rests the pointer on the control
    TreeViewWin Displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items, each represented by a TreeNode
    TreeViewWin.TreeNodeCollectionWin An implementation of ITreeNodeCollection for windows. This implements the wrapper pattern where the underlying windows TreeView control is merely wrapped by this control. this control
    TreeViewWin.TreeNodeWin An implementation of ITreeView for Windows Forms.
    UserControlWin Provides an empty control that can be used to create other controls
    WizardControlWin Provides the controls for a wizard, which guides users through a process one step at a time.
    WizardFormWin Represents a form containing a wizard control that guides users through a process step by step. This form simply wraps the WizardControl in a form and handles communication with the user.
    WizardStepWin A basic implementation of WizardStep that can be used for simply displaying a message. Should a step be required that is a simple message for the user (such as at the end of a wizard), this step can be used