C# (CSharp) Habanero.DB Namespace


Name Description
DBMigrator Manages database migrations that are needed to ensure that working copies of a project have the up-to-date database structure.
This migrator requires access to an ISettings service that can read and write a a DATABASE_VERSION setting. Since ConfigFileSettings does not have write support, you will either need to use DatabaseSettings or reimplement a settings operator. The setting will need to be in existence before this operation will execute correctly.
This class is commonly used inside an implementation of IApplicationVersionUpgrader . See the tutorials for usage examples.
DBMigratorEventArgs Describes how far the DBMigrator is, for us in a progress indicator.
DatabaseConfig Stores database configuration settings and creates connections using these settings
DatabaseConnection A super-class to manage a database connection and execute sql commands
DatabaseConnectionFirebird A super-class to manage a database connection and execute sql commands
DatabaseConnectionSqlServer A database connection customised for the SqlServer database
DatabaseSettings Stores database settings as a cache and updates or retrieves settings either from the cache or from the database if the cache value has expired
DatabaseSettings.Setting Stores some simple settings
InsertSqlStatement This class inherits from SqlStatement and is used for inserting new objects into the database. It is used because it supports the updating of an autoincrementing field.
ManagedConnection Facade to provide a cheap leasing effect on database connections for helping with concurrency
QueryResultLoaderDb Loads an IQueryResult given a ISelectQuery from the database.
SelectQueryDB A class representing a Database SelectQuery. Wraps an ISelectQuery (Decorator pattern)
SqlFormatterForSqlServerCe Used to store specific SQL formatting information for an SQL Server Compact Edition database. Typically databases differ in the characters used to differentiate fields and tables e.g. [ and ] for ms sql and ` for MySQL.
TransactionLogTable Logs transactions in the same database that is used to store the business objects. Used to log every change to the business object. Stores datetime action carried out actionstype (CRUD). windows user, logged user. Database Field name and the dirty XML field (shows the previously persisted state and newly persisted state of the field.
TransactionLoggerFactory database table-based implementation of ITransactionLoggerFactory