C# (CSharp) EtcdNet Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
EtcdClient The EtcdClient class is used to talk with etcd service
EtcdClientOpitions Options to initialize EtcdClient
EtcdCommonException Command Related Error
EtcdCommonException.DirNotEmpty EcodeDirNotEmpty 108 "Directory not empty"
EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound EcodeKeyNotFound 100 "Key not found"
EtcdCommonException.NodeExist EcodeNodeExist 105 "Key already exists"
EtcdCommonException.NotDir EcodeNotDir 104 "Not a directory"
EtcdCommonException.NotFile EcodeNotFile 102 "Not a file"
EtcdCommonException.RootReadOnly EcodeRootROnly 107 "Root is read only"
EtcdCommonException.TestFailed EcodeTestFailed 101 "Compare failed"
EtcdException Etcd Related Error
EtcdException.EventIndexCleared EcodeEventIndexCleared 401 "The event in requested index is outdated and cleared"
EtcdException.WatcherCleared EcodeWatcherCleared 400 "watcher is cleared due to etcd recovery"
EtcdGenericException Represents the generic exception from etcd https://github.com/coreos/etcd/blob/master/Documentation/errorcode.md EtcdGenericException ├── EtcdCommonException | ├─ KeyNotFound | ├─ TestFailed | ├─ NotFile | ├─ NotDir | ├─ NodeExist | ├─ RootReadOnly | └─ DirNotEmpty ├── EtcdPostFormException | ├─ PrevValueRequired | ├─ TTLNaN | ├─ IndexNaN | ├─ InvalidField | └─ InvalidForm ├── EtcdRaftException | ├─ RaftInternal | └─ LeaderElect └── EtcdException ├─ WatcherCleared └─ EventIndexCleared
EtcdPostFormException Post Form Related Error
EtcdPostFormException.IndexNaN EcodeIndexNaN 203 "The given index in POST form is not a number"
EtcdPostFormException.InvalidField EcodeInvalidField 209 "Invalid field"
EtcdPostFormException.InvalidForm EcodeInvalidForm 210 "Invalid POST form"
EtcdPostFormException.PrevValueRequired EcodePrevValueRequired 201 "PrevValue is Required in POST form"
EtcdPostFormException.TTLNaN EcodeTTLNaN 202 "The given TTL in POST form is not a number"
EtcdRaftException Raft Related Error
EtcdRaftException.Internal EcodeRaftInternal 300 "Raft Internal Error"
EtcdRaftException.LeaderElect EcodeLeaderElect 301 "During Leader Election"