C# (CSharp) CqlSharp.Network Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BalancedConnectionStrategy This implementation attempts to balance the connections over the cluster based on load. First it will try to reuse an existing connection. If no connections exist, or if all connection loads are larger than the newConnectionTreshold, a new connection is created at a node with an as low as possible load. If that fails (e.g. because the max amount of connections per node is reached), an attempt is made to select the least used connection from the least used node.
Cluster Represents a Cassandra cluster
ClusterChangedEvent Event raised when a cluster's topology changes.
Connection A single connection to a Cassandra node.
ExclusiveConnectionStrategy This strategy will provide connections that are not shared between CqlConnection, or CqlCommand instances. This makes interference between sequences of queries not possible. This may be of importance when "use" queries are applied. Because of the exclusive use of connections, connections may not be used fully, and the chance that the application will run out of available connections is not unlikely under stress.
RandomConnectionStrategy Connection selection strategy that randomizes the connections over the nodes in the cluster