C# (CSharp) Core2D.Avalonia.Converters Namespace


Name Description
ArgbColorToBrushMultiConverter Converts multi-binding inputs to a final value.
ByteToDoubleConverter Converts a binding value object from byte to double and back from double to byte.
ByteToStringConverter Converts a binding value object from byte to string and back from string to byte.
EditorToStatsMultiConverter Converts multi-binding inputs to a final value.
EditorToTitleMultiConverter Converts multi-binding inputs to a final value.
IsGroupConverter Converts a binding value object from object to bool True if value is not equal to null and is of type XGroup otherwise return False.
IsNotNullConverter Converts a binding value object from object to bool True if value is not equal to null and AvaloniaProperty.UnsetValue otherwise return False.
IsNullConverter Converts a binding value object from object to bool True if value is equal to null or AvaloniaProperty.UnsetValue otherwise return False.
ObjectEqualityMultiConverter Converts multi-binding inputs to a final value.
ObjectEqualsConverter Converts a binding value object from object to bool True if value is equal to parameter otherwise return False.
ObjectToJsonStringConverter Converts a binding value object Type to a json string.
ObjectToObjectConverter Pass-through a binding value object as object to avoid AvaloniaProperty.UnsetValue.
ObjectToTypeStringConverter Converts a binding value object Type to a string.
ObjectToXamlStringConverter Converts a binding value object Type to a xaml string.
TreeViewSelectedItemToObjectConverter Return valid object when using TreeView.SelectedItem.DataContext source.