C# (CSharp) Catel.MVVM Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
CommandManager Manager that takes care of application-wide commands and can dynamically forward them to the right view models.
CommandManagerWrapper Wrapper class to support key down events and automatically invoke commands on the ICommandManager.
CompositeCommand Composite command which allows several commands inside a single command being exposed to a view.
InvalidViewModelException Exception in case there is an invalid view model.
ManagedViewModel Represents a managed view model. A managed view model is watched for property changes. As soon as a change occurs in one of the managed view models, all other interested view models are notified of the changes.
ModelErrorInfo Class containing all the errors and warnings retrieved via INotifyDataErrorInfo and INotifyDataWarningInfo.
ProgressNotifyableViewModel The progress notifyable view model base.
ViewModelBase View model base for MVVM implementations. This class is based on the ModelBase, and supports all common interfaces used by WPF.
ViewModelManagerExtensions Extensions for the IViewModelManager interface.
ViewModelServiceHelper Helper class that registers all default services to a IServiceLocator.