C# (CSharp) Catel.Logging Namespace


Name Description
BatchLogListenerBase Base class for log listeners that can write in batches.
EtwLogListener Log listener for ETW (Event tracing for Windows).
FileLogListener Log listener which writes all data to a file.
Log Default logging class that writes to the console or output window.
LogListenerBase Abstract base class that implements the ILogListener interface.
LogManager Log manager that allows external libraries to subscribe to logging of Catel. The manager automatically adds an instance of the DebugLogListener to the list of listeners so the tracing is available in debug mode. To remove this listener, call ClearListeners before doing any initialization.
LogManager.LogInfo Class containing log info.
LogMessageEventArgs Event args containing information about a message that has been written to a log.
SeqLogListener Log listener which writes all data to a Seq server.
StatusLogListener Log listener for status messages.