C# (CSharp) Catel.Data Namespace


Name Description
CatelTypeInfo Class containing all information about a Catel type (such as properties).
ChangeNotificationWrapper Wrapper for an object that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged. This class is thread-safe and uses weak events to prevent memory leaks.
DbContextExtensions Extensions to the DbContext class.
DynamicModelBaseMetaObject Class containing metadata for the DynamicModelBase.
DynamicObservableObjectMetaObject Class containing metadata for the DynamicObservableObject.
IModelValidationExtensions Extensions for model validation.
PropertyDataManager Property data manager.
SuspensionContext Suspension context that can track properties during a suspension period.
ValidationContext Context containing all validation and provides several methods to gather this information.
ValidationSummary The validation summary that contains a momentum of the IValidationContext.