C# (CSharp) BrightIdeasSoftware Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AbstractListFilter Base class for whole list filters
AbstractModelFilter Base class for model-by-model filters
AnimatedDecoration Support running an animation as a decoration on an ObjectListView
Audio Instances of this class allow sound to be played at specified points within a animation.
BarRenderer Render our Aspect as a progress bar
CheckStateRenderer This renderer draws just a checkbox to match the check state of our model object.
CompositeAllFilter A CompositeAllFilter joins several other filters together. A model object must satisfy all filters to be included. If there are no filters, all model objects are included
CompositeAnyFilter A CompositeAllFilter joins several other filters together. A model object must only satisfy one of the filters to be included. If there are no filters, all model objects are included
CompositeFilter A CompositeFilter joins several other filters together. If there are no filters, all model objects are included
DataSourceAdapter A helper class that translates DataSource events for an ObjectListView
DateTimeClusteringStrategy This class implements a strategy where the model objects are clustered according to some portion of the datetime value in the configured column.
DescribedTaskRenderer This renderer draws an image, a single line title, and then multi-line descrition under the title.
FastDataListView A FastDataListView virtualizes the display of data from a DataSource. It operates on DataSets and DataTables in the same way as a DataListView, but does so much more efficiently.
FastObjectListView A FastObjectListView trades function for speed.
FilterMenuBuilder Instances of this class know how to build a Filter menu. It is responsible for clustering the values in the target column, build a menu that shows those clusters, and then constructing a filter that will enact the users choices.
FlagBitSetFilter Instances of this class match a property of a model objects against a list of bit flags. The property should be an xor-ed collection of bits flags.
FlagRenderer A class to render a value that contains a bitwise-OR'ed collection of values.
Generator The Generator class provides methods to dynamically create columns for an ObjectListView based on the characteristics of a given collection of model objects.
HeaderControl Class used to capture window messages for the header of the list view control.
HighlightTextRenderer This renderer highlights substrings that match a given text filter.
ImageRenderer Render an image that comes from our data source.
ImageRenderer.AnimationState Instances of this class kept track of the animation state of a single image.
ListFilter Instance of this class implement delegate based whole list filtering
MappedImageRenderer This class maps a data value to an image that should be drawn for that value.
ModelFilter This filter calls a given Predicate to decide if a model object should be included
MultiImageRenderer A MultiImageRenderer draws the same image a number of times based on our data value
OneOfFilter Instances of this class extract a value from the model object and compare that value to a list of fixed values. The model object is included if the extracted value is in the list
TailFilter Filter the list so only the last N entries are displayed
TextMatchFilter Instances of this class include only those rows of the listview that contain a given string.
TextMatchFilter.TextBeginsMatchingStrategy This component provides text begins with matching strategy.
TextMatchFilter.TextContainsMatchingStrategy This component provides text contains matching strategy.
TextMatchFilter.TextMatchingStrategy Base class for the various types of string matching that TextMatchFilter provides
TextMatchFilter.TextRegexMatchingStrategy This component provides regex matching strategy.
TreeListView.TreeRenderer This class handles drawing the tree structure of the primary column.
VirtualObjectListView A virtual object list view operates in virtual mode, that is, it only gets model objects for a row when it is needed. This gives it the ability to handle very large numbers of rows with minimal resources.