C# (CSharp) Bloom.CLI Namespace


Name Description
DownloadBookCommand This command downloads the specified book to the specified destination. See DownloadBookOptions for the expected options.
GetUsedFontsCommand This generates a list of the fonts used in a book. Currently it is pretty crude, just detecting what fonts are mentioned in one of the book's stylesheets. Some of these might not actually be used (e.g., a fall-back font in one of the sheets shipped with Bloom, or a font in a style that the user defined but didn't end up using, or a font that is used only for a specific language we aren't currently publishing).
HydrateBookCommand This command needs to * set the xmatter to something appropriate * set the layout to something appropriate * set the L1, L2, and L3 languages * Spread all the above around, as if the book had been loaded in Bloom * Make sure it has all the needed stylesheets