C# (CSharp) Be.Windows.Forms Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ByteCollection Represents a collection of bytes.
BytePositionInfo Represents a position in the HexBox control
DynamicFileByteProvider Implements a fully editable byte provider for file data of any size.
FileByteProvider Byte provider for (big) files.
FileByteProvider.WriteCollection Represents the write buffer class
HexBox.EmptyKeyInterpreter Represents an empty input handler without any functionality. If is set ByteProvider to null, then this interpreter is used.
HexBox.KeyInterpreter Handles user input such as mouse and keyboard input during hex view edit
HexBox.SelectionStruct Keeps track of multiple text formatting
HexBox.StringKeyInterpreter Handles user input such as mouse and keyboard input during string view edit