C# (CSharp) BF2Statistics.ASP.StatsProcessor Namespace


Name Description
AwardCriteria The award criteria struct is used to define the query details used when determining if a player has met the requirements to earn an award. This object is used by the "BackendAward" object.
BackendAward This object represents an award that is earned during the processing of a snapshot, and provides methods to check if a given player has met the criteria to earn it.
BackendAwardData This class is used to contain a definition of all awards for snapshot processing, as well as loading the Backend award data from the BackendAwards.xml file
GameResult This class represents the Game data found in a Battlefield 2 Snapshot
Player This class is used to convert the Key => value data for a player in a Snapshot, into an object, as well as Validate that all the player data is valid.
Snapshot This class is used to Validate, and Process the Game data sent from the Battlefield 2 server at the end of a round (Aka: Snapshot data)