C# (CSharp) Argentini.Halide Namespace


Name Description
DatabaseItem Subclass which contains all of an individual column's data and specs This is the lowest rung on the class ladder. It represents a single column in a database row, containing the column name, value, and properties.

This class it never used directly, but as a subclass of an instantiated Halide.H3DataRow class object.

DatabaseRow Subclass which contains all of an individual row's columns as individual DatabaseItem objects
H3Caching The H3Caching class contains methods and properties for manipulating the page output cache, as well as other caching and history functionality. Cache time is determined by the "OutputCacheTime" setting in the Halide configuration section of the web.config file. The time is in seconds.
H3ClientSide The H3ClientSide class contains methods and properties for manipulating the client-side markup of a page.
H3Compress The H3Compress class contains methods and properties for compressing and decompressing data.
H3Controls The H3Controls class contains methods and properties for more easily manipulating server-side controls. For example, the "SelectedListItems" method allows for a simple way of retrieving a delimitted list of selected values from a ListControl (like a CheckBoxList).
H3DataRow The Halide H3DataRow class is used to load and manipulate an entire row from a database table/view/SP, and uses Halide.DatabaseRow and Halide.DatabaseItem classes as children.

Note that H3DataRow is case-sensitive! So when you use methods like "Exec" which send H3DataRow column values back to a stored procedure, the column names must match the stored procedure names, including case, which also must match the destination table names, including case.

In addition, the "Exec" method will not work with stored procedures that use OUTPUT parameters.

H3DataRowConfig The H3DataRowConfig class is used as a way to pass database information to a DataRow class object for opening and reading a row from a database. This class is instantiated and given values for properties like ConnectionName, TableName, PrimarykeyName, PrimaryKeyValue, and more, and the variable is passed as an instantiation parameter to the DataRow class.
H3Email The Halide E-mail class provides a set of methods for sending and manipulating e-mail.
H3EmailTemplate The Halide.H3EmailTemplate class reads a specified file and performs find/replace actions on it. Note: You can also specify a web-style path to the file.
H3Http The H3Http class contains methods and properties for performing or evaluating HTTP operations. This includes cookies, domain redirection, and more.
H3HttpModule Http Module to allow 404 errors caught with the ASP.NET runtime to keep the HTTP status code "404" when redirecting to the error page.
H3HttpPost Simple method to submit post data to a url.
H3HttpREST Simple class for performing HTTP REST requests.
H3Identify The H3Identify class contains methods and properties for comparing and identifying information.
H3Image The H3Image class contains methods and properties for performing or evaluating bitmap image operations.
H3Reader The H3Reader class provides a more powerful, flexible SQL reader class.
H3Rollover The H3Rollover class assigns images that are used for mouseovers and mouseouts to images, ImageButtons, etc. This is a better solution than subclassing an existing ImageButton because that would lead to a lot of duplicate code unless delegation is used. Using a combination of subclassing and delegation would also take away from the simplicity of the solution.
H3Search The Halide.H3Search class provides a way to generate search queries for searching SQL databases.
H3Secure The H3Secure class contains methods and properties for performing or evaluating security and authentication related operations. Make sure that you customize the halideEncryptionBaseKey and halideEncryptionInitVector values in the Halide.config file. This should be done for each site in which Halide is used. The halideEncryptionBaseKey attribute is an array of 24 8-bit numeric values (0-255), and the halideEncryptionInitVector attribute is an array of 18 8-bit numeric values (0-255). These values are used to seed and generate encrypted data when using any of the encryption methods within the H3Secure class.
H3Sql The H3Sql class contains methods and properties for performing operations on, or evaluating, SQL databases.
H3StopWatch Accurate, Simple, and Easy to use Stopwatch Class. This class can be used to track process execution time in seconds and milliseconds.
H3Storage The H3Storage class contains methods and properties for performing or evaluating disk and file operations.
H3Temporal The H3Temporal class contains methods and properties for manipulating, evaluating, or displaying dates and times.
H3Temporal.DateRangeStruct Struct used to define the return value format for the DateRange method.
H3Text The H3Text class contains methods and properties for manipulating and formatting strings.
H3Xml The H3Xml class contains methods and properties for manipulating and using XML and RSS Feeds.