C# (CSharp) Amazon.ServiceCatalog.Model Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AcceptPortfolioShareRequest Container for the parameters to the AcceptPortfolioShare operation. Accepts an offer to share a portfolio.
AccessLevelFilter The access level to limit results.
AssociatePrincipalWithPortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the AssociatePrincipalWithPortfolio operation. Associates the specified principal ARN with the specified portfolio.
AssociateProductWithPortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the AssociateProductWithPortfolio operation. Associates a product with a portfolio.
ConstraintDetail Detailed constraint information.
ConstraintSummary An administrator-specified constraint to apply when provisioning a product.
CreateConstraintRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateConstraint operation. Creates a new constraint.
CreateConstraintResponse This is the response object from the CreateConstraint operation.
CreatePortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the CreatePortfolio operation. Creates a new portfolio.
CreatePortfolioResponse This is the response object from the CreatePortfolio operation.
CreatePortfolioShareRequest Container for the parameters to the CreatePortfolioShare operation. Creates a new portfolio share.
CreateProductRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateProduct operation. Creates a new product.
CreateProductResponse This is the response object from the CreateProduct operation.
CreateProvisioningArtifactRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateProvisioningArtifact operation. Create a new provisioning artifact for the specified product. This operation will not work with a product that has been shared with you.
CreateProvisioningArtifactResponse This is the response object from the CreateProvisioningArtifact operation.
DeleteConstraintRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteConstraint operation. Deletes the specified constraint.
DeletePortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the DeletePortfolio operation. Deletes the specified portfolio. This operation will not work with a portfolio that has been shared with you or if it has products, users, constraints, or shared accounts associated with it.
DeletePortfolioShareRequest Container for the parameters to the DeletePortfolioShare operation. Deletes the specified portfolio share.
DeleteProductRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteProduct operation. Deletes the specified product. This operation will not work with a product that has been shared with you or is associated with a portfolio.
DeleteProvisioningArtifactRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteProvisioningArtifact operation. Deletes the specified provisioning artifact. This operation will not work on a provisioning artifact associated with a product that has been shared with you, or on the last provisioning artifact associated with a product (a product must have at least one provisioning artifact).
DescribeConstraintRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeConstraint operation. Retrieves detailed information for a specified constraint.
DescribeConstraintResponse This is the response object from the DescribeConstraint operation.
DescribePortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribePortfolio operation. Retrieves detailed information and any tags associated with the specified portfolio.
DescribePortfolioResponse This is the response object from the DescribePortfolio operation.
DescribeProductAsAdminRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeProductAsAdmin operation. Retrieves information about a specified product, run with administrator access.
DescribeProductAsAdminResponse This is the response object from the DescribeProductAsAdmin operation.
DescribeProductRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeProduct operation. Retrieves information about a specified product.

This operation is functionally identical to DescribeProductView except that it takes as input ProductId instead of ProductViewId.

DescribeProductResponse This is the response object from the DescribeProduct operation.
DescribeProductViewRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeProductView operation. Retrieves information about a specified product.

This operation is functionally identical to DescribeProduct except that it takes as input ProductViewId instead of ProductId.

DescribeProductViewResponse This is the response object from the DescribeProductView operation.
DescribeProvisioningArtifactRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeProvisioningArtifact operation. Retrieves detailed information about the specified provisioning artifact.
DescribeProvisioningArtifactResponse This is the response object from the DescribeProvisioningArtifact operation.
DescribeProvisioningParametersRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeProvisioningParameters operation. Provides information about parameters required to provision a specified product in a specified manner. Use this operation to obtain the list of ProvisioningArtifactParameters parameters available to call the ProvisionProduct operation for the specified product.
DescribeProvisioningParametersResponse This is the response object from the DescribeProvisioningParameters operation.
DescribeRecordRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeRecord operation. Retrieves a paginated list of the full details of a specific request. Use this operation after calling a request operation (ProvisionProduct, TerminateProvisionedProduct, or UpdateProvisionedProduct).
DescribeRecordResponse This is the response object from the DescribeRecord operation.
DisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the DisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolio operation. Disassociates a previously associated principal ARN from a specified portfolio.
DisassociateProductFromPortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the DisassociateProductFromPortfolio operation. Disassociates the specified product from the specified portfolio.
LaunchPathSummary Summary information about a path for a user to have access to a specified product.
ListAcceptedPortfolioSharesRequest Container for the parameters to the ListAcceptedPortfolioShares operation. Lists details of all portfolios for which sharing was accepted by this account.
ListAcceptedPortfolioSharesResponse This is the response object from the ListAcceptedPortfolioShares operation.
ListConstraintsForPortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the ListConstraintsForPortfolio operation. Retrieves detailed constraint information for the specified portfolio and product.
ListConstraintsForPortfolioResponse This is the response object from the ListConstraintsForPortfolio operation.
ListLaunchPathsRequest Container for the parameters to the ListLaunchPaths operation. Returns a paginated list of all paths to a specified product. A path is how the user has access to a specified product, and is necessary when provisioning a product. A path also determines the constraints put on the product.
ListLaunchPathsResponse This is the response object from the ListLaunchPaths operation.
ListPortfolioAccessRequest Container for the parameters to the ListPortfolioAccess operation. Lists the account IDs that have been authorized sharing of the specified portfolio.
ListPortfolioAccessResponse This is the response object from the ListPortfolioAccess operation.
ListPortfoliosForProductRequest Container for the parameters to the ListPortfoliosForProduct operation. Lists all portfolios that the specified product is associated with.
ListPortfoliosForProductResponse This is the response object from the ListPortfoliosForProduct operation.
ListPortfoliosRequest Container for the parameters to the ListPortfolios operation. Lists all portfolios in the catalog.
ListPortfoliosResponse This is the response object from the ListPortfolios operation.
ListPrincipalsForPortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the ListPrincipalsForPortfolio operation. Lists all principal ARNs associated with the specified portfolio.
ListPrincipalsForPortfolioResponse This is the response object from the ListPrincipalsForPortfolio operation.
ListProvisioningArtifactsRequest Container for the parameters to the ListProvisioningArtifacts operation. Lists all provisioning artifacts associated with the specified product.
ListProvisioningArtifactsResponse This is the response object from the ListProvisioningArtifacts operation.
ListRecordHistoryRequest Container for the parameters to the ListRecordHistory operation. Returns a paginated list of all performed requests, in the form of RecordDetails objects that are filtered as specified.
ListRecordHistoryResponse This is the response object from the ListRecordHistory operation.
ListRecordHistorySearchFilter The search filter to limit results when listing request history records.
ParameterConstraints The constraints that the administrator has put on the parameter.
PortfolioDetail Detailed portfolio information.
Principal A principal's ARN and type.
ProductViewAggregationValue A single product view aggregation value/count pair, containing metadata about each product to which the calling user has access.
ProductViewDetail Detailed product view information.
ProductViewSummary The summary metadata about the specified product.
ProvisionProductRequest Container for the parameters to the ProvisionProduct operation. Requests a Provision of a specified product. A ProvisionedProduct is a resourced instance for a product. For example, provisioning a CloudFormation-template-backed product results in launching a CloudFormation stack and all the underlying resources that come with it.

You can check the status of this request using the DescribeRecord operation.

ProvisionProductResponse This is the response object from the ProvisionProduct operation.
ProvisionedProductDetail Detailed information about a ProvisionedProduct object.
ProvisioningArtifact Contains information indicating the ways in which a product can be provisioned.
ProvisioningArtifactDetail Detailed provisioning artifact information.
ProvisioningArtifactParameter A parameter used to successfully provision the product. This value includes a list of allowable values and additional metadata.
ProvisioningArtifactProperties Provisioning artifact properties.
ProvisioningParameter The arameter key/value pairs used to provision a product.
RecordDetail The full details of a specific ProvisionedProduct object.
RecordError The error code and description resulting from an operation.
RecordOutput An output for the specified Product object created as the result of a request. For example, a CloudFormation-backed product that creates an S3 bucket would have an output for the S3 bucket URL.
RecordTag A tag associated with the record, stored as a key-value pair.
RejectPortfolioShareRequest Container for the parameters to the RejectPortfolioShare operation. Rejects an offer to share a portfolio.
ScanProvisionedProductsRequest Container for the parameters to the ScanProvisionedProducts operation. Returns a paginated list of all the ProvisionedProduct objects that are currently available (not terminated).
ScanProvisionedProductsResponse This is the response object from the ScanProvisionedProducts operation.
SearchProductsAsAdminRequest Container for the parameters to the SearchProductsAsAdmin operation. Retrieves summary and status information about all products created within the caller's account. If a portfolio ID is provided, this operation retrieves information for only those products that are associated with the specified portfolio.
SearchProductsAsAdminResponse This is the response object from the SearchProductsAsAdmin operation.
SearchProductsRequest Container for the parameters to the SearchProducts operation. Returns a paginated list all of the Products objects to which the caller has access.

The output of this operation can be used as input for other operations, such as DescribeProductView.

SearchProductsResponse This is the response object from the SearchProducts operation.
Tag Key/value pairs to associate with this provisioning. These tags are entirely discretionary and are propagated to the resources created in the provisioning.
TerminateProvisionedProductRequest Container for the parameters to the TerminateProvisionedProduct operation. Requests termination of an existing ProvisionedProduct object. If there are Tags associated with the object, they are terminated when the ProvisionedProduct object is terminated.

This operation does not delete any records associated with the ProvisionedProduct object.

You can check the status of this request using the DescribeRecord operation.

TerminateProvisionedProductResponse This is the response object from the TerminateProvisionedProduct operation.
UpdateConstraintRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateConstraint operation. Updates an existing constraint.
UpdateConstraintResponse This is the response object from the UpdateConstraint operation.
UpdatePortfolioRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdatePortfolio operation. Updates the specified portfolio's details. This operation will not work with a product that has been shared with you.
UpdatePortfolioResponse This is the response object from the UpdatePortfolio operation.
UpdateProductRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateProduct operation. Updates an existing product.
UpdateProductResponse This is the response object from the UpdateProduct operation.
UpdateProvisionedProductRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateProvisionedProduct operation. Requests updates to the configuration of an existing ProvisionedProduct object. If there are tags associated with the object, they cannot be updated or added with this operation. Depending on the specific updates requested, this operation may update with no interruption, with some interruption, or replace the ProvisionedProduct object entirely.

You can check the status of this request using the DescribeRecord operation.

UpdateProvisionedProductResponse This is the response object from the UpdateProvisionedProduct operation.
UpdateProvisioningArtifactRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateProvisioningArtifact operation. Updates an existing provisioning artifact's information. This operation will not work on a provisioning artifact associated with a product that has been shared with you.
UpdateProvisioningArtifactResponse This is the response object from the UpdateProvisioningArtifact operation.
UpdateProvisioningParameter The parameter key/value pair used to update a ProvisionedProduct object. If UsePreviousValue is set to true, Value is ignored and the value for Key is kept as previously set (current value).
UsageInstruction Additional information provided by the administrator.