C# (CSharp) Amazon.S3 Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AmazonS3Client Implementation for accessing S3
AmazonS3Config Configuration for Amazon S3 Client.
AnalyticsS3ExportFileFormat The file format used when exporting data to Amazon S3.
BucketAccelerateStatus Represents the accelerate status for a bucket.
EncodingType A list of all encoding types.
EventType A list of all event types that can configured with the bucket notification configuration.
GlacierJobTier All enumerations type for retrieval tier for Glacier restore.
GranteeType A list of all grantee types.
InventoryFormat A list of all Inventory Formats.
InventoryFrequency A list of inventory frequencies.
InventoryIncludedObjectVersions A list of inventory included object versions.
InventoryOptionalField A list of inventory optional fields.
LifecycleRuleStatus A list of all lifecycle statuses.
NotificationEvents The constants for the known event names used by S3 notification. S3 might add new events before the SDK is updated. In which case the names listed in the S3 documentation will work as well as these constants.
ReplicationRuleStatus Whether a replication rule is applied or ignored.
ReplicationStatus The status of the replication job associated with this source object.
RequestCharged The response from S3 that it confirms that requester pays.
RequestPayer Acknowledges that requester pays for the operation.
S3CannedACL A list of all possible CannedACLs that can be used for S3 Buckets or S3 Objects. For more information about CannedACLs, refer to .
S3Permission A list of all ACL permissions. For more information, refer to .
S3Region A list of all possible S3 Bucket region possibilities. For more information, refer to .
S3StorageClass Specifies the Storage Class of of an S3 object. Possible values are: ReducedRedundancy: provides a 99.99% durability guarantee Standard: provides a 99.999999999% durability guarantee
ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod A list of all server-side encryption methods for customer provided encryption keys.
ServerSideEncryptionMethod A list of all server-side encryption methods.
StorageClassAnalysisSchemaVersion The version of the output schema to use when exporting data.
TaggingDirective Specifies whether the object tag-set are copied from the source object or replaced with tag-set provided in the request.
VersionStatus A list of all version statuses.