C# (CSharp) Amazon.Rekognition.Model Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
Beard Indicates whether or not the face has a beard, and the confidence level in the determination.
BoundingBox Identifies the bounding box around the object or face. The left (x-coordinate) and top (y-coordinate) are coordinates representing the top and left sides of the bounding box. Note that the upper-left corner of the image is the origin (0,0).

The top and left values returned are ratios of the overall image size. For example, if the input image is 700x200 pixels, and the top-left coordinate of the bounding box is 350x50 pixels, the API returns a left value of 0.5 (350/700) and a top value of 0.25 (50/200).

The width and height values represent the dimensions of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall image dimension. For example, if the input image is 700x200 pixels, and the bounding box width is 70 pixels, the width returned is 0.1.

The bounding box coordinates can have negative values. For example, if Amazon Rekognition is able to detect a face that is at the image edge and is only partially visible, the service can return coordinates that are outside the image bounds and, depending on the image edge, you might get negative values or values greater than 1 for the left or top values.

CompareFacesMatch Provide the bounding box, confidence that the bounding box actually contains a face, and the similarity between the face in the bounding box and the face in the source image.
CompareFacesRequest Container for the parameters to the CompareFaces operation. Compares a face in the source input image with each face detected in the target input image.

If the source image contains multiple faces, the service detects the largest face and uses it to compare with each face detected in the target image.

In response, the operation returns an array of face matches ordered by similarity score with the highest similarity scores first. For each face match, the response provides a bounding box of the face and confidence value (indicating the level of confidence that the bounding box contains a face). The response also provides a similarity score, which indicates how closely the faces match.

By default, only faces with the similarity score of greater than or equal to 80% are returned in the response. You can change this value.

In addition to the face matches, the response returns information about the face in the source image, including the bounding box of the face and confidence value.

This is a stateless API operation. That is, the operation does not persist any data.

For an example, see get-started-exercise-compare-faces

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:CompareFaces action.

CompareFacesResponse This is the response object from the CompareFaces operation.
ComparedFace Provides face metadata (bounding box and confidence that the bounding box actually contains a face).
ComparedSourceImageFace Type that describes the face Amazon Rekognition chose to compare with the faces in the target. This contains a bounding box for the selected face and confidence level that the bounding box contains a face. Note that Amazon Rekognition selects the largest face in the source image for this comparison.
CreateCollectionRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateCollection operation. Creates a collection in an AWS region. You can add faces to the collection using the operation.

For example, you might create collections, one for each of your application users. A user can then index faces using the IndexFaces operation and persist results in a specific collection. Then, a user can search the collection for faces in the user-specific container.

For an example, see example1.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:CreateCollection action.

CreateCollectionResponse This is the response object from the CreateCollection operation.
DeleteCollectionRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteCollection operation. Deletes the specified collection. Note that this operation removes all faces in the collection. For an example, see example1.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DeleteCollection action.

DeleteCollectionResponse This is the response object from the DeleteCollection operation.
DeleteFacesRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteFaces operation. Deletes faces from a collection. You specify a collection ID and an array of face IDs to remove from the collection.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DeleteFaces action.

DeleteFacesResponse This is the response object from the DeleteFaces operation.
DetectFacesRequest Container for the parameters to the DetectFaces operation. Detects faces within an image (JPEG or PNG) that is provided as input.

For each face detected, the operation returns face details including a bounding box of the face, a confidence value (that the bounding box contains a face), and a fixed set of attributes such as facial landmarks (for example, coordinates of eye and mouth), gender, presence of beard, sunglasses, etc.

The face-detection algorithm is most effective on frontal faces. For non-frontal or obscured faces, the algorithm may not detect the faces or might detect faces with lower confidence.

This is a stateless API operation. That is, the operation does not persist any data.

For an example, see get-started-exercise-detect-faces.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DetectFaces action.

DetectFacesResponse This is the response object from the DetectFaces operation.
DetectLabelsRequest Container for the parameters to the DetectLabels operation. Detects instances of real-world labels within an image (JPEG or PNG) provided as input. This includes objects like flower, tree, and table; events like wedding, graduation, and birthday party; and concepts like landscape, evening, and nature. For an example, see get-started-exercise-detect-labels.

For each object, scene, and concept the API returns one or more labels. Each label provides the object name, and the level of confidence that the image contains the object. For example, suppose the input image has a lighthouse, the sea, and a rock. The response will include all three labels, one for each object.

{Name: lighthouse, Confidence: 98.4629}

{Name: rock,Confidence: 79.2097}

{Name: sea,Confidence: 75.061}

In the preceding example, the operation returns one label for each of the three objects. The operation can also return multiple labels for the same object in the image. For example, if the input image shows a flower (for example, a tulip), the operation might return the following three labels.

{Name: flower,Confidence: 99.0562}

{Name: plant,Confidence: 99.0562}

{Name: tulip,Confidence: 99.0562}

In this example, the detection algorithm more precisely identifies the flower as a tulip.

You can provide the input image as an S3 object or as base64-encoded bytes. In response, the API returns an array of labels. In addition, the response also includes the orientation correction. Optionally, you can specify MinConfidence to control the confidence threshold for the labels returned. The default is 50%. You can also add the MaxLabels parameter to limit the number of labels returned.

If the object detected is a person, the operation doesn't provide the same facial details that the DetectFaces operation provides.

This is a stateless API operation. That is, the operation does not persist any data.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DetectLabels action.

DetectLabelsResponse This is the response object from the DetectLabels operation.
Emotion The emotions detected on the face, and the confidence level in the determination. For example, HAPPY, SAD, and ANGRY.
EyeOpen Indicates whether or not the eyes on the face are open, and the confidence level in the determination.
Eyeglasses Indicates whether or not the face is wearing eye glasses, and the confidence level in the determination.
Face Describes the face properties such as the bounding box, face ID, image ID of the source image, and external image ID that you assigned.
FaceDetail Structure containing attributes of the face that the algorithm detected.
FaceMatch Provides face metadata. In addition, it also provides the confidence in the match of this face with the input face.
FaceRecord Object containing both the face metadata (stored in the back-end database) and facial attributes that are detected but aren't stored in the database.
Gender Gender of the face and the confidence level in the determination.
Image Provides the source image either as bytes or an S3 object.
ImageQuality Identifies image brightness and sharpness.
IndexFacesRequest Container for the parameters to the IndexFaces operation. Detects faces in the input image and adds them to the specified collection.

Amazon Rekognition does not save the actual faces detected. Instead, the underlying detection algorithm first detects the faces in the input image, and for each face extracts facial features into a feature vector, and stores it in the back-end database. Amazon Rekognition uses feature vectors when performing face match and search operations using the and operations.

If you provide the optional externalImageID for the input image you provided, Amazon Rekognition associates this ID with all faces that it detects. When you call the operation, the response returns the external ID. You can use this external image ID to create a client-side index to associate the faces with each image. You can then use the index to find all faces in an image.

In response, the operation returns an array of metadata for all detected faces. This includes, the bounding box of the detected face, confidence value (indicating the bounding box contains a face), a face ID assigned by the service for each face that is detected and stored, and an image ID assigned by the service for the input image If you request all facial attributes (using the detectionAttributes parameter, Rekognition returns detailed facial attributes such as facial landmarks (for example, location of eye and mount) and other facial attributes such gender. If you provide the same image, specify the same collection, and use the same external ID in the IndexFaces operation, Rekognition doesn't save duplicate face metadata.

For an example, see example2.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:IndexFaces action.

IndexFacesResponse This is the response object from the IndexFaces operation.
Label Structure containing details about the detected label, including bounding box, name, and level of confidence.
Landmark Indicates the location of the landmark on the face.
ListCollectionsRequest Container for the parameters to the ListCollections operation. Returns list of collection IDs in your account. If the result is truncated, the response also provides a NextToken that you can use in the subsequent request to fetch the next set of collection IDs.

For an example, see example1.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:ListCollections action.

ListCollectionsResponse This is the response object from the ListCollections operation.
ListFacesRequest Container for the parameters to the ListFaces operation. Returns metadata for faces in the specified collection. This metadata includes information such as the bounding box coordinates, the confidence (that the bounding box contains a face), and face ID. For an example, see example3.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:ListFaces action.

ListFacesResponse This is the response object from the ListFaces operation.
MouthOpen Indicates whether or not the mouth on the face is open, and the confidence level in the determination.
Mustache Indicates whether or not the face has a mustache, and the confidence level in the determination.
Pose Indicates the pose of the face as determined by pitch, roll, and the yaw.
S3Object Provides the S3 bucket name and object name.
SearchFacesByImageRequest Container for the parameters to the SearchFacesByImage operation. For a given input image, first detects the largest face in the image, and then searches the specified collection for matching faces. The operation compares the features of the input face with faces in the specified collection.

To search for all faces in an input image, you might first call the API, and then use the face IDs returned in subsequent calls to the API.

You can also call the DetectFaces API and use the bounding boxes in the response to make face crops, which then you can pass in to the SearchFacesByImage API.

The response returns an array of faces that match, ordered by similarity score with the highest similarity first. More specifically, it is an array of metadata for each face match found. Along with the metadata, the response also includes a similarity indicating how similar the face is to the input face. In the response, the API also returns the bounding box (and a confidence level that the bounding box contains a face) of the face that Rekognition used for the input image.

For an example, see example3.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:SearchFacesByImage action.

SearchFacesByImageResponse This is the response object from the SearchFacesByImage operation.
SearchFacesResponse This is the response object from the SearchFaces operation.
Smile Indicates whether or not the face is smiling, and the confidence level in the determination.
Sunglasses Indicates whether or not the face is wearing sunglasses, and the confidence level in the determination.