C# (CSharp) Amazon.CloudSearch.Model Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AccessPoliciesStatus The configured access rules for the domain's document and search endpoints, and the current status of those rules.
CreateDomainRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDomain operation. Creates a new search domain. For more information, see Creating a Search Domain in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.
CreateDomainResponse Returns information about the CreateDomain response and response metadata.
CreateDomainResult The result of a CreateDomainRequest. Contains the status of a newly created domain.

The value of the DefaultSearchField configured for this search domain and its current status.

DefineIndexFieldRequest Container for the parameters to the DefineIndexField operation.

Configures an IndexField for the search domain. Used to create new fields and modify existing ones. If the field exists, the new configuration replaces the old one. You can configure a maximum of 200 index fields.

DefineIndexFieldResponse Returns information about the DefineIndexFieldResult response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of an updated index field.

DefineRankExpressionRequest Container for the parameters to the DefineRankExpression operation.

Configures a RankExpression for the search domain. Used to create new rank expressions and modify existing ones. If the expression exists, the new configuration replaces the old one. You can configure a maximum of 50 rank expressions.

DefineRankExpressionResponse Returns information about the DefineRankExpressionResult response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of an updated RankExpression .

DeleteDomainRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteDomain operation.

Permanently deletes a search domain and all of its data.

DeleteDomainResponse Returns information about the DeleteDomain response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of a newly deleted domain, or no status if the domain has already been completely deleted.

DeleteIndexFieldRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteIndexField operation. Removes an IndexField from the search domain. For more information, see Configuring Index Fields in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.
DeleteIndexFieldResponse Returns information about the DeleteIndexFieldResult response and response metadata.
DeleteIndexFieldResult The result of a DeleteIndexField request.
DeleteRankExpressionRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteRankExpression operation.

Removes a RankExpression from the search domain.

DeleteRankExpressionResponse Returns information about the DeleteRankExpression response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of a deleted RankExpression .

DescribeDefaultSearchFieldRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeDefaultSearchField operation.

Gets the default search field configured for the search domain.

DescribeDefaultSearchFieldResponse Returns information about the DescribeDefaultSearchField response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the default search field for a search domain.

DescribeDomainsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeDomains operation.

Gets information about the search domains owned by this account. Can be limited to specific domains. Shows all domains by default.

DescribeDomainsResponse Returns information about the DescribeDomainsResult response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of one or more domains.

DescribeIndexFieldsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeIndexFields operation.

Gets information about the index fields configured for the search domain. Can be limited to specific fields by name. Shows all fields by default.

DescribeIndexFieldsResponse Returns information about the DescribeIndexFields response and response metadata.
DescribeIndexFieldsResult The result of a DescribeIndexFields request. Contains the index fields configured for the domain specified in the request.
DescribeRankExpressionsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeRankExpressions operation.

Gets the rank expressions configured for the search domain. Can be limited to specific rank expressions by name. Shows all rank expressions by default.

DescribeRankExpressionsResponse Returns information about the DescribeRankExpressions response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the rank expressions for a search domain.

DescribeServiceAccessPoliciesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeServiceAccessPolicies operation. Gets information about the access policies that control access to the domain's document and search endpoints. By default, shows the configuration with any pending changes. Set the Deployed option to true to show the active configuration and exclude pending changes. For more information, see Configuring Access for a Search Domain in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.
DescribeServiceAccessPoliciesResponse Returns information about the DescribeServiceAccessPolicies response and response metadata.
DescribeServiceAccessPoliciesResult The result of a DescribeServiceAccessPolicies request.
DescribeStemmingOptionsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeStemmingOptions operation.

Gets the stemming dictionary configured for the search domain.

DescribeStemmingOptionsResponse Returns information about the DescribeStemmingOptions response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the stemming options for a search domain.

DescribeStopwordOptionsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeStopwordOptions operation.

Gets the stopwords configured for the search domain.

DescribeStopwordOptionsResponse Returns information about the DescribeStopwordOptions response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the stopword options for a search domain.

DescribeSynonymOptionsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeSynonymOptions operation.

Gets the synonym dictionary configured for the search domain.

DescribeSynonymOptionsResponse Returns information about the DescribeSynonymOptions response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the synonym options for a search domain.


The current status of the search domain.

IndexDocumentsRequest Container for the parameters to the IndexDocuments operation.

Tells the search domain to start indexing its documents using the latest text processing options and IndexFields . This operation must be invoked to make options whose OptionStatus has OptionState of RequiresIndexDocuments visible in search results.

IndexDocumentsResponse Returns information about the IndexDocuments response and response metadata.

The result of an IndexDocuments action.


Configuration information for a field in the index, including its name, type, and options. The supported options depend on the IndexFieldType .

IndexFieldStatus The value of an IndexField and its current status.

Options for literal field. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type literal . All options are enabled by default.


A named expression that can be evaluated at search time and used for ranking or thresholding in a search query.


The status of an option, including when it was last updated and whether it is actively in use for searches.


The value of a RankExpression and its current status.


The endpoint to which service requests can be submitted, including the actual URL prefix for sending requests and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) so the endpoint can be referenced in other API calls such as UpdateServiceAccessPolicies.


Identifies the source data for an index field. An optional data transformation can be applied to the source data when populating the index field. By default, the value of the source attribute is copied to the index field.


The source attribute name and an optional default value to use if a document doesn't have an attribute of that name.


Specifies how to map source attribute values to custom values when populating an IndexField .


Specifies how to trim common words from the beginning of a field to enable title sorting by that field.


The stemming options configured for this search domain and the current status of those options.


The stopword options configured for this search domain and the current status of those options.


The synonym options configured for this search domain and the current status of those options.


Options for text field. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type text . A text field is always searchable. All options are enabled by default.


Options that define a uint field in the search index.

UpdateDefaultSearchFieldRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDefaultSearchField operation.

Configures the default search field for the search domain. The default search field is the text field that is searched when a search request does not specify which fields to search. By default, it is configured to include the contents of all of the domain's text fields.

UpdateDefaultSearchFieldResponse Returns information about the UpdateDefaultSearchField response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of an updated default search field.

UpdateServiceAccessPoliciesRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateServiceAccessPolicies operation.

Configures the policies that control access to the domain's document and search services. The maximum size of an access policy document is 100 KB.

UpdateServiceAccessPoliciesResponse The result of an UpdateServiceAccessPolicies request. Contains the new access policies.

A response message that contains the status of updated access policies.

UpdateStemmingOptionsRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateStemmingOptions operation.

Configures a stemming dictionary for the search domain. The stemming dictionary is used during indexing and when processing search requests. The maximum size of the stemming dictionary is 500 KB.

UpdateStemmingOptionsResponse Returns information about the UpdateStemmingOptions response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of updated stemming options.

UpdateStopwordOptionsRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateStopwordOptions operation.

Configures stopwords for the search domain. Stopwords are used during indexing and when processing search requests. The maximum size of the stopwords dictionary is 10 KB.

UpdateStopwordOptionsResponse Returns information about the UpdateStopwordOptions response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of updated stopword options.

UpdateSynonymOptionsRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateSynonymOptions operation.

Configures a synonym dictionary for the search domain. The synonym dictionary is used during indexing to configure mappings for terms that occur in text fields. The maximum size of the synonym dictionary is 100 KB.

UpdateSynonymOptionsResponse Returns information about the UpdateSynonymOptionsResult response and response metadata.

A response message that contains the status of updated synonym options.