C# (CSharp) tvTable 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AttractionInformation This class stores information about a give attraction for a CityInformation instance.
AttractionTableCell This is the prototype for every Cell (row) that will be added to the AttractionTableView.
AttractionView The View used as the Details section of the Spilt View to display detailed information about the Row highlighted in the Master section.
AttractionViewController Controls the AttractionView used to present the detailed information about a AttractionInformation object attached to the highlighted Row in the AttractionTableView.
CityInformation Holds information about a given city that will be idplayed as the Sections of a Table View. Each City also contains a collection of AttractionInformation objects that will be the Rows in each Table View section.
MasterSplitView Controls the Split View that acts as the main interface for the tvOS app. A AttractionTableView is presented in the left hand side of the Split View containing a collection of CityInformation and AttractionInformation objects. If a Row is highlighted in the AttractionTableView, the details of the AttractionInformation for that row will be presented in the AttractionView on the right hand side of the Split View.