C# (CSharp) paramore.brighter.commandprocessor.messaginggateway.rmq 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
ConnectionPolicyFactory Class ConnectionPolicyFactory.
HeaderNames Class HeaderNames.{CC2D43FA-BBC4-448A-9D0B-7B57ADF2655C}
InputChannelFactory Class RMQInputChannelFactory. Creates instances of IAmAChannelchannels. Supports the creation of AMQP Application Layer channels using RabbitMQ
MessageGateway Class RMQMessageGateway. Base class for messaging gateway used by a InputChannel to communicate with a RabbitMQ server, to consume messages from the server or CommandProcessor.Post{T} to send a message to the RabbitMQ server. A channel is associated with a queue name, which binds to a MessageHeader.Topic when CommandProcessor.Post{T} sends over a task queue. So to listen for messages on that Topic you need to bind to the matching queue name. The configuration holds a <serviceActivatorConnections> section which in turn contains a <connections> collection that contains a set of connections. Each connection identifies a mapping between a queue name and a IRequest derived type. At runtime we read this list and listen on the associated channels. The MessagePump then uses the IAmAMessageMapper associated with the configured request type in IAmAMessageMapperRegistry to translate between the on-the-wire message and the Command or Event
MessageGatewayConnectionPool Class MessageGatewayConnectionPool.
RmqMessageConsumer Class RmqMessageConsumer. The RmqMessageConsumer is used on the server to receive messages from the broker. It abstracts away the details of inter-process communication tasks from the server. It handles connection establishment, request reception and dispatching, result sending, and error handling.
RmqMessageConsumerFactory Class RmqMessageConsumerFactory.
RmqMessageProducer Class ClientRequestHandler . The RmqMessageProducer is used by a client to talk to a server and abstracts the infrastructure for inter-process communication away from clients. It handles connection establishment, request sending and error handling
RmqMessageProducerFactory Class RmqMessageProducerFactory.
RmqMessagePublisher Class RmqMessagePublisher.