C# (CSharp) mustache 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
ArgumentCollection Associates parameters to their argument values.
CompoundGenerator Builds text by combining the output of other generators.
ConditionTagDefinition Defines a tag that conditionally prints its content.
ContentTagDefinition Defines a tag that can contain inner text.
EachTagDefinition Defines a tag that can iterate over a collection of items and render the content using each item as the context.
ElifTagDefinition Defines a tag that conditionally renders its content if preceding if and elif tags fail.
ElseTagDefinition Defines a tag that renders its content if all preceding if and elif tags.
FormatCompiler Parses a format string and returns a text generator.
Generator Generates text by substituting an object's values for placeholders.
IfTagDefinition Defines a tag that renders its content depending on the truthyness of its argument, with optional elif and else nested tags.
InlineGenerator Generates the text for a tag that only exists on a single line.
InlineTagDefinition Defines a tag that cannot contain inner text.
KeyGenerator Substitutes a key placeholder with the textual representation of the associated object.
KeyScope Represents a scope of keys.
MasterTagDefinition Defines a pseudo tag that wraps the entire content of a format string.
NestedContext Holds the objects to use when processing a child context of another tag.
RegexHelper Provides utility methods that require regular expressions.
StaticGenerator Generates a static block of text.
TagDefinition Defines the attributes of a custom tag.
TagParameter Defines a parameter belonging to a custom tag.
Trimmer Removes unnecessary lines from the final output.
WithTagDefinition Defines a tag that changes the scope to the object passed as an argument.