이름 |
설명 |
AFn |
AFnImpl |
APersistentSet |
APersistentVector |
Provides a basic implementation of IPersistentVector functionality. |
APersistentVector.IPVStream |
Internal class to implement IStream capabilities for APersistentVector. |
APersistentVector.RSeq |
Internal class providing reverse ISeq functionality for APersistentVector. |
APersistentVector.Seq |
Internal class providing ISeq functionality for APersistentVector. |
APersistentVector.SubVector |
Internal class providing subvector functionality for APersistentVector. |
ARef |
Provides basic implementation for the IRef interface methods. |
ATransientMap |
ATransientSet |
Agent |
Represents an Agent. |
Agent.Action |
An encapsulated message. |
ArrayChunk |
ArrayHelper |
Adds methods that exist in Java Array class, for compatibility with core.clj. |
ArraySeq |
ArrayStream |
Atom |
Provides spin-loop synchronized access to a value. One of the reference types. |
BigInt |
CachedSeq |
Represents a sequence with cached values. |
Compiler |
Compiler.AssemblyInitializationException |
Compiler.AssemblyLoadException |
Compiler.AssemblyNotFoundException |
Compiler.CompilerException |
Compiler.LengthCmp |
Cons |
Implements an immutable cons cell. |
Delay |
Implements a delay of a function call. |
DuplicateFormatFlagsException |
EdnReader |
EdnReader.CharacterReader |
EdnReader.CommentReader |
EdnReader.DiscardReader |
EdnReader.DispatchReader |
EdnReader.ListReader |
EdnReader.MapReader |
EdnReader.MetaReader |
EdnReader.NamespaceMapReader |
EdnReader.ReaderBase |
EdnReader.ReaderException |
EdnReader.SetReader |
EdnReader.StringReader |
EdnReader.TaggedReader |
EdnReader.UnmatchedDelimiterReader |
EdnReader.UnreadableReader |
EdnReader.VectorReader |
EnumeratorSeq |
EnumeratorSeq.State |
FnSeq |
A sequence that computes its first/rest from functional calls. Caches. |
FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException |
Future |
Implements IDeref and java.util.concurrent.Future, like the proxy in JVM clojure core. |
FutureAbortedException |
FutureTimeoutException |
GenClass |
GenDelegate |
GenProxy |
IllegalFormatConversionException |
IllegalFormatFlagsException |
IllegalFormatPrecisionException |
IllegalFormatWidthException |
IteratorStream |
Implements a stream running over an IEnumerator. |
Keyword |
KeywordSerializationHelper |
LazilyPersistentVector |
A persistent vector based on an array. Holds a lazily-allocated PersistentVector if operations such as assoc() are called that require a true persistent collection. |
LazyCons |
A cons cell constructed lazily by a call to an IFn. |
LineNumberingTextReader |
LispReader |
Implements the Lisp reader, a marvel to behold. |
LispReader.ArgReader |
LispReader.CharacterReader |
LispReader.CommentReader |
LispReader.ConditionalReader |
LispReader.CtorReader |
LispReader.DeprecatedWrappingReader |
LispReader.DiscardReader |
LispReader.DispatchReader |
LispReader.EvalReader |
LispReader.FnReader |
LispReader.ListReader |
LispReader.MapReader |
LispReader.MetaReader |
LispReader.NamespaceMapReader |
LispReader.ReaderBase |
LispReader.ReaderException |
LispReader.RegexReader |
LispReader.SetReader |
LispReader.StringReader |
LispReader.SyntaxQuoteReader |
LispReader.UnmatchedDelimiterReader |
LispReader.UnquoteReader |
LispReader.UnreadableReader |
LispReader.VarReader |
LispReader.VectorReader |
LispReader.WrappingReader |
LockingTransaction |
Provides transaction semantics for Agents, Refs, etc. |
LockingTransaction.AbortException |
LockingTransaction.CFn |
Pending call of a function on arguments. |
LockingTransaction.Info |
The current state of a transaction. |
LockingTransaction.Notify |
LockingTransaction.RetryEx |
MapEntry |
Implements an (immutable) entry in a persistent map. |
MissingFormatArgumentException |
MissingFormatWidthException |
MultiFn |
Represents a multifunction. |
Namespace |
Namespace.NamespaceSerializationHelper |
Namespace.TypeImportException |
Numbers |
Numbers.BigDecimalOps |
Numbers.BigIntOps |
Numbers.BigIntegerBitOps |
Numbers.BigIntegerOps |
Numbers.DoubleOps |
Numbers.FloatOps |
Numbers.IntegerBitOps |
Numbers.IntegerOps |
Numbers.LongBitOps |
Numbers.LongOps |
Numbers.OpsP |
Numbers.RatioOps |
PersistentArrayMap |
PersistentArrayMap.Seq |
Internal class providing an ISeq for PersistentArrayMaps. |
PersistentArrayMap.TransientArrayMap |
PersistentHashMap |
A persistent rendition of Phil Bagwell's Hash Array Mapped Trie |
PersistentHashMap.ArrayNode |
PersistentHashMap.ArrayNode.Seq |
PersistentHashMap.BitmapIndexedNode |
Represents an internal node in the trie, not full. |
PersistentHashMap.BitmapIndexedNode.Seq |
PersistentHashMap.EmptyNode |
A node with no keys. Represents the empty map. |
PersistentHashMap.FullNode |
An internal node in the trie with all branches filled. |
PersistentHashMap.FullNode.Seq |
PersistentHashMap.HashCollisionNode |
Represents a leaf node corresponding to multiple map entries, all with keys that have the same hash value. |
PersistentHashMap.LeafNode |
Represents a leaf node in the tree, corresponding to single map entry (key/value). |
PersistentHashMap.NodeSeq |
PersistentHashMap.TransientHashMap |
PersistentHashSet |
PersistentHashSet.TransientHashSet |
PersistentQueue |
A persistent queue. (Conses onto rear, peeks/pops from front.) |
PersistentQueue.Seq |
Represents an ISeq over a PersistentQueue. |
PersistentStructMap |
PersistentStructMap.AccessorFn |
A function providing quick access to given fixed key of a struct. |
PersistentStructMap.Def |
PersistentStructMap.Seq |
PersistentTreeMap |
Implements a persistent Red-Black Tree. |
PersistentTreeMap.Black |
PersistentTreeMap.BlackBranch |
PersistentTreeMap.BlackBranchVal |
PersistentTreeMap.BlackVal |
PersistentTreeMap.Node |
PersistentTreeMap.NodeEnumerator |
PersistentTreeMap.Red |
PersistentTreeMap.RedBranch |
PersistentTreeMap.RedBranchVal |
PersistentTreeMap.RedVal |
PersistentTreeMap.Seq |
PersistentTreeSet |
PersistentVector |
PersistentVector.ChunkedSeq |
PersistentVector.Node |
PersistentVector.TransientVector |
Printf |
An implementation of Java-style printf/format |
Printf.ConversionAux |
Printf.DateTimeConv |
Printf.FixedTextChunk |
Printf.FormatSpecificierChunk |
PushbackInputStream |
PushbackTextReader |
Range |
Represents a (contiguous) range of integers. |
Range.RangeStream |
Implements a stream over a Range. |
Ratio |
Represents a rational number. |
Reflector |
RestFn |
RestFnImpl |
SeqEnumerator |
Implements standard IEnumerator behavior over an ISeq. |
StreamSeq |
Implements a persistent sequence over a stream. |
StringSeq |
Symbol |
UnknownFormatConversionException |
UnknownFormatFlagsException |
Util |
Var |
Represents a Var. |
Var.AssocFn |
Var.DissocFn |
Var.Frame |
Represents a set of Var bindings established at a particular point in the call stack. |
Var.TBox |
Var.Unbound |