C# (CSharp) ZocBuild.Database.Errors 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BuildError Represents an error that occurred while deploying a programmable object to a database.
CircularDependencyError Represents an error caused by an object having circular dependencies.
DependencyError Represents an error that occurred while deploying a dependency of a build item.
EmptyTextError Represents an error caused by a script file having no contents.
MismatchedObjectNameError Represents an error caused by the name of the programmable object not matching its file name.
MismatchedObjectTypeError Represents an error caused by the type of the programmable object not matching its directory.
MismatchedSchemaError Represents an error caused by the schema of the programmable object not matching its directory.
MissingScriptFileError Represents an error caused by an object's script not appearing in the file system.
MultipleStatementError Represents an error caused by a script containing more than one statements, separated by the GO keyword.
SqlParseError Represents an error caused by a failure to parse the content of the script file.
UnexpectedObjectTypeError Represents an error caused by a script for a object type that is not supported.