이름 |
설명 |
CompositeStore |
Combines multiple IStores as a composite. Adds memory caching for IStore.Contains(ManifestDigest). |
CompositeStoreTest |
CopyDirectoryPosix |
Copies the content of a directory to a new location preserving the original file modification times. Uses FlagUtils to preserve executable bits and symlinks if the destination filesystem cannot hold them. |
DigestMismatchException |
DirectoryStoreTest |
DirectoryWalkTask |
Common base class for tasks that walk an entire directory tree using template methods. |
FlagUtils |
FlagUtilsTest |
ImplementationAlreadyInStoreException |
ImplementationNotFoundException |
IpcStore |
Provides transparent access to an IStore running in another process (the Store Service). |
ManifestDirectoryElement |
ManifestFileBase |
ManifestFormat |
ManifestFormat.Sha1NewFormat |
ManifestFormat.Sha256Format |
ManifestFormat.Sha256NewFormat |
ManifestFormatTest |
ManifestGenerator |
Generates a Implementations.Manifest for a directory. |
ManifestTest |
OptimiseRun |
Manages state during a single IStore.Optimise run. |
OptimiseRun.DedupKey |
OptimiseRun.StoreFile |
RecipeUtils |
Provides helper methods for dealing with Recipes. |
RecipeUtilsTest |
StoreConfig |
Manages IStore implementation directories. |
StoreExtensions |
Contains extension methods for IStores. |
StoreFactory |
Creates IStore instances. |
StoreUtils |
Helper methods for IStores and paths. |