C# (CSharp) ZForge.Controls.XPTable.Sorting 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CheckBoxComparer An IComparer for sorting Cells that contain CheckBoxes
ColorComparer An IComparer for sorting Cells that contain Color information
ComparerBase Base class for comparers used to sort the Cells contained in a TableModel
DateTimeComparer An IComparer for sorting Cells that contain DateTime information
IComparerCollection Represents a collection of IComparer objects
ImageComparer An IComparer for sorting Cells that contain Images
InsertionSorter An InsertionSort implementation for sorting the Cells contained in a TableModel
MergeSorter A MergeSort implementation for sorting the Cells contained in a TableModel
NumberComparer An IComparer for sorting Cells that contain numbers
ShellSorter A ShellSort implementation for sorting the Cells contained in a TableModel
SortColumn Represents a single sortable column
SortColumnCollection Represents a collection of SortColumn objects
SorterBase Base class for the sorters used to sort the Cells contained in a TableModel
TextComparer An IComparer for sorting Cells that contain strings