C# (CSharp) Yaml 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Binary A Yaml Boolean node tag:yaml.org,2002:binary
Boolean Class for storing a Yaml Boolean node tag:yaml.org,2002:bool
BufferStream Third stream processor, this class adds a buffer with a maximum size of 1024 chars. The buffer cannot encapsulate multiple lines because that could do strange things while rewinding/indenting
DropComments Drop the comments (This is disabled when literal parsing is enabled)
DropTrailingNewline This layer removes the trailing newline at the end of each (sub)stream
IndentationProcessor The indentation processor, This class divides the stream from the preprocessor in substreams, according to the current level of indentation.
Integer Class for storing a Yaml Integer node uri: tag:yaml.org,2002:int
LookaheadBuffer The lookahead buffer, used by the buffer layer in the parser
MainChristophe Test class that has a Main() method
Mapping Yaml Mapping
MappingNode Node pair (key, value) of a mapping
MultiBufferStream Parsestream with multilever buffer
Node Node in the Yaml tree
Null Class for storing a Yaml Null node tag:yaml.org,2002:null
ParseException ParseException, could be thrown while parsing a YAML stream
ParseStream Stops parsing at specific characters, useful for parsing inline structures like (for instance): [aaa, bbb, ccc, {ddd: eee, "fff": ggg}]
Preprocessor The Preprocessor class Given a character stream, this class will walk through that stream. NOTE: Comments are not longer skipped at this level, but now in the last level instead. (because of problems with comments within the buffer) NOTE: Null characters are skipped, read nulls should be escaped. \0
Sequence Represents a Yaml Sequence
String Yaml String node
Test Test class
Timestamp Yaml Timestamp node uri: tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp
WriteStream Help class for writing a Yaml tree to a string