C# (CSharp) YAMP.Exceptions 네임스페이스


이름 설명
YAMPArgumentInvalidException Class to use for invalid arguments (type-wise or value-wise).
YAMPArgumentRangeException This class should be used if an argument is out of range.
YAMPArgumentWrongTypeException Class to use when an argument has the wrong-type and some other type was expected.
YAMPAssignmentException The assignment exception.
YAMPDifferentDimensionsException Class to use when two matrices (or objects) have different dimensions.
YAMPDifferentLengthsException The different lengths exception.
YAMPException Basic YAMP exception. This lets everyone know that the exception did not occur because something was fishy in the (C#) code, but rather in the query.
YAMPExpressionNoFunctionException The expression no function exception.
YAMPFileFormatNotSupportedException The file format not supported exception.
YAMPFileNotFoundException Class to use when a file could not be found.
YAMPFunctionMissingException The function missing exception.
YAMPIndexOutOfBoundException The index out of bounds exception.
YAMPMatrixDimensionException The matrix dimension exception.
YAMPMatrixFormatException The matrix format exception.
YAMPMatrixMultiplyException The matrix multiply exception.
YAMPMemberFunctionMissingException The function missing exception.
YAMPNoSeriesAvailableException The no series available exception.
YAMPNonNumericException The non-numeric exception.
YAMPNotConvergedException Class to use for numeric non-convergence exceptions.
YAMPNumericOverflowException The numeric overflow.
YAMPOperationInvalidException The operation invalid exception.
YAMPParseException Represents the exception that will be thrown if parse errors occured.
YAMPPixelFormatNotSupportedException The pixel format not supported exception.
YAMPPropertyMissingException The property missing exception.
YAMPRangeInvalidException The range invalid exception.
YAMPRuntimeException The base class for any runtime exception.
YAMPSetsFunctionNotMemberException The function missing exception.
YAMPSymbolMissingException The symbol missing exception.
YAMPTypesNotEqualException The types not equal exception.
YAMPWrongLengthException The wrong length.
YAMPWrongTypeSuppliedException Wrong type supplied.