C# (CSharp) Unosquare.FFmpegMediaElement 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
AudioRenderer Represents a calss that renders audio data to speakers via callbacks
AudioRenderer.CallbackWaveProvider16 A thread-safe callback provider
Constants Defines various constants used across all classes
FFmpegMedia Represents a multimedia source with its corresponding control methods.
FFmpegMedia.AudioBufferProvider Provides audio data samples in PCM, 16-bit format. This class is used to keep track of the samples and matching frames times It also ensures samples are not repeated and are unique in a discrete timeline
FFmpegMediaFrame Represents a video or audio frame.
FFmpegMediaFrameCache Represents a set of ordered media frames of a given type
Helper Provides methods and constants for miscellaneous operations
Helper.NativeMethods Miscellaneous native methods
MediaElement.PropertyNames Defines constants for Property Names that are used to either register dependency properties or notify property changes.
MediaElement.RoutedEventNames Defines constants that contain Routed event names
MediaErrorRoutedEventArgs Represents an event that occurs when the underlying media stream fails to load or corrupt packets are found within the stream.
MediaPlaybackException Represents an error that occurs during media playback or during a seek operation.
MediaTimer A high precision timer designed to keep track of media playback. Control methods mimic media playback control methods such as Play Pause, Stop and Seek