C# (CSharp) Universe.ClientStack 네임스페이스


이름 설명
IncomingPacket Holds a reference to a LLUDPClient and a Packet for incoming packets
IncomingPacketHistoryCollection A circular buffer and hashset for tracking incoming packet sequence numbers
J2KImage Stores information about a current texture download and a reference to the texture asset
LLUDPClient Tracks state for a client UDP connection and provides client-specific methods
LLUDPServer The LLUDP server for a region. This handles incoming and outgoing packets for all UDP connections to the region
OutgoingPacket Holds a reference to the LLUDPClient this packet is destined for, along with the serialized packet data, sequence number (if this is a resend), number of times this packet has been resent, the time of the last resend, and the throttling category for this packet
ThrottleRates Holds drip rates and maximum burst rates for throttling with hierarchical token buckets. The maximum burst rates set here are hard limits and can not be overridden by client requests
TokenBucket A hierarchical token bucket for bandwidth throttling. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket for more information
UDPBase Base UDP server
UnackedPacketCollection Special collection that is optimized for tracking unacknowledged packets
UnackedPacketCollection.PendingAck Holds information about a pending acknowledgement