C# (CSharp) Ucrm 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AddProductToDB AddProductToDB class adds a product to the database based on some criteria
Category Category class for categories products
Customer This class will repreent the customer with all the actions that he can perform
Invoice Holds the details of the shopping cart for its assigned user and uses them to create invoice
PF Type person;
PJ Type person
Pay Pay class handles the payment from the customer
Pricing The Pricing class handles the products price, addind taxes, price, discounts, margins,etc
ReturnProduct The ReturnProduct class handles the product return/refund requests from out customers
Role Assignes a role to each user - controls access rights (Client/Seller) Sellers will login using a name that contains "Seller" + code that they receive when registering a new account.
User Holds identification details of all Users(Clients+Sellers) with their assigned roles