C# (CSharp) Telegram.BotAPI.AvailableMethods.FormattingOptions 네임스페이스


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ParseMode Formatting options

The Bot API supports basic formatting for messages. You can use bold, italic, underlined and strikethrough text, as well as inline links and pre-formatted code in your bots' messages. Telegram clients will render them accordingly. You can use either markdown-style or HTML-style formatting.

Note that Telegram clients will display an alert to the user before opening an inline link (‘Open this link?’ together with the full URL).

Message entities can be nested, providing following restrictions are met:
- If two entities has common characters then one of them is fully contained inside another.
- bold, italic, underline and strikethrough entities can contain and to be contained in any other entities, except pre and code.
- All other entities can't contain each other.

Links tg://user?id=<user_id> can be used to mention a user by their ID without using a username. Please note:
• These links will work only if they are used inside an inline link. For example, they will not work, when used in an inline keyboard button or in a message text.
• These mentions are only guaranteed to work if the user has contacted the bot in the past, has sent a callback query to the bot via inline button or is a member in the group where he was mentioned.