C# (CSharp) SyncanoSyncServer.Net.RealTimeSyncApi 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Connection Connections provide a way to distinguish between multiple Sync Server connections within one API key. They are uniquely defined by UUID. Each Connection can also be provided with a name and a state, which can help create stateful clients that are externally controlled or monitored.
ContextEnumJsonConverter Class serializing Context objects to JSON format.
ContextEnumStringConverter Class converting Context objects to string ant the other way.
History History object.
SourceEnumJsonConverter Class serializing Source objects to JSON format.
SourceEnumStringConverter Class convertinf Source objects to string and the other way.
Subscription Subscription can be created in three separate contexts: API client bound (client context) - subscription is shared for all connections of an API client. Session bound (session context) - shared for all connections associated with specific session_id. This implies that they are of one specific client as well. Connection bound (connection context) - not shared. Defined per one specific connection. There are also two possible levels of subscriptions.: Project - gets notifications for both project and all bound collections, Collection - gets notifications for one specific collection. Maximum 25 subscriptions per client