C# (CSharp) StatePrinting.FieldHarvesters 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AllFieldsAndPropertiesHarvester Harvest all fields, public and private. We ignore the types from the following namespaces System.Reflection System.Runtime Func{TResult}
AllFieldsHarvester Harvest all fields, public and private. We ignore the types from the following namespaces System.Reflection System.Runtime System.Func
HarvestHelper Reusable helper methods when implementing IFieldHarvester
PublicFieldsAndPropertiesHarvester Harvest only public fields and properties from types. We ignore the types from the following namespaces System.Reflection System.Runtime System.Func
PublicFieldsHarvester Harvest only public fields from types. We ignore the types from the following namespaces System.Reflection System.Runtime System.Func
RunTimeCodeGenerator Run-time code generation is much faster than using ordinary reflection such
SanitizedFieldInfo For each type we print, we hold the reflected and the readable version of the fields
ToStringAwareHarvester Harvest all fields, public and private. Or use the ToString() if such is implemented on the class. We ignore the types from the following namespaces System.Reflection System.Runtime System.Func