C# (CSharp) Spring.Retry.Retry.Policy 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AlwaysRetryPolicy A IRetryPolicy that always permits a retry. Can also be used as a base class for other policies, e.g. for test purposes as a stub.
CompositeRetryPolicy A IRetryPolicy that composes a list of other policies and delegates calls to them in order.
ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy TODO: Update summary.
MapRetryContextCache Map-based implementation of IRetryContextCache. The map backing the cache of contexts is synchronized.
SimpleRetryPolicy Simple retry policy that retries a fixed number of times for a set of named exceptions (and subclasses). The number of attempts includes the initial try, so e.g. retryTemplate = new RetryTemplate(new SimpleRetryPolicy(3)); retryTemplate.Execute(callback); will execute the callback at least once, and as many as 3 times.
SoftReferenceMapRetryContextCache Map-based implementation of IRetryContextCache. The map backing the cache of contexts is synchronized and its entries are soft-referenced, so may be garbage collected under pressure. MapRetryContextCache for non-soft referenced version.
TimeoutRetryPolicy A IRetryPolicy that allows a retry only if it hasn't timed out. The clock is started on a call to Open.