C# (CSharp) SpilGames.Unity.Helpers 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Bundle This is the business object that the developer can use to work a Bundle.
BundleItem This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the Items contained in a Bundle.
BundlePrice This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the Bundle Price.
Currency This is the business object that the developer can use to work with a Currency.
Entry This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the Entry contained in the Tab.
Inventory This is the business object that the developer can use to work with the Inventory.
Item This is the business object that the developer can use to work with an Item.
Package This is the business object that the developer can use to work with Packages and Promotions.
PackageItem This is the business object that the developer can use to work with Items associated with Packages and Promotions.
PackagesHelper This is the business object that the developer can use to work with Packages and Promotions. Much easier to work with than the raw data!
PlayerCurrency This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the Player owned Currency.
PlayerDataHelper This is the business object that the developer can use to work with Player Data (Wallet and Inventory). Much easier to work with than the raw data!
PlayerDataUpdateReasons This is the business object that the developer can use to work with the reasons for the Player Update Events.
PlayerItem This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the Player owned Item.
Promotion This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the InGame Shop Promotion.
Shop This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the InGame Shop.
SpilGameDataHelper This is the business object that the developer can use to work with Spil Game Data (Currencies, Items, Bundles, Shop). Much easier to work with than the raw data!
Tab This is the business object that the developer can use to work with for the Tab contained in the Shop.
TrackingCurrency Helper object for currencies used for the TrackWalletInventoryEvent
TrackingItem Helper object for items used for the TrackWalletInventoryEvent
Wallet This is the business object that the developer can use to work with the Wallet.