C# (CSharp) Softing.OPCToolbox.Server 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AddressSpaceElement An Address Space Element represent the base component of the OPC DA and AE namespaces. Specific AE and DA object types are derived from this abstract class
AddressSpaceRoot Represents the address space entry point
AeAttribute An instance of the AeAttribute class describes a variant value which an OPC Client may request to be transmitted together with an event notification.
AeCategory The AeCategory class implements an event category in the OPC AE Server. A category contains events or conditions of the same kind. They are also characterized by the fact that they can supply the same attributes to the OPC Client.
Creator Helper class used as factory for various object instances of the OPC server components. This class is used by the Toolkit internal mechanisms to instantiate user specific objects. To enable this, the user must extend the Creator class and override the create methods.
DaRequest Stores data concerning an OPC read or write request.
WebTemplate Web template is the interface for OPC server's web interface. This class must be derived and HandleWebTemplate method must be overriden to provide customized behavior to the web server.