C# (CSharp) SobekCM.Library.ResultsViewer 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Bookshelf_View_ResultsViewer Results viewer shows the titles/items in bookshelf view with the action links to the left to remove an item from the bookshelf, edit a user note, and view the item. The view also includes any current user notes below the title
Brief_ResultsViewer Results viewer shows the thumbnail and a small citation block for each item in the result set.
Export_File_ResultsViewer Results viewer allows the results to exported into either an Excel file or a CSV file for temporary download.
Full_ResultsViewer Results viewer reads the METS file for an item and displays either the first image or the full citation while navigating through the results set.
Google_Map_ResultsViewer Results viewer shows the results which have spatial information in Google maps.
No_Results_ResultsViewer Results viewer displays the message (and links) in the case the result set is empty.
Table_ResultsViewer Results viewer shows the results in a simple table view with each title on its own table row.
Thumbnail_ResultsViewer Results viewer shows just the thumbnails for each item in a large grid.
abstract_ResultsViewer Abstract class which implements the iResultsViewer interface and which all subsequent results viewer classes must extend