C# (CSharp) SobekCM.Library.MySobekViewer 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Delete_Item_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated system administrator to delete an item from this digital library
Edit_Group_Behaviors_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated RequestSpecificValues.Current_User to edit the group-level behaviors for a title within this digital library
Edit_Item_Behaviors_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated RequestSpecificValues.Current_User to edit a single digital resource's behaviors within this digital library
Edit_Item_Metadata_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated RequestSpecificValues.Current_User to edit a digital resource online, using various possible templates
Edit_Item_Permissions_MySobekViewer Viewer allows permissions on an item to be modified by logged on administrative users
Folder_Mgmt_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated user to view the items and searches in their bookshelves (or folders) online
Group_Add_Volume_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated user to add a new item/volume to an existing title
Group_AutoFill_Volume_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated user to add several new item/volume to an existing title [PLACEHOLDER FOR FUTURE USE]
Home_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated RequestSpecificValues.Current_User to view their home page, with all their options in a menu
Logon_MySobekViewer Class allows a user to logon, either with using the myUFDC authentication, or clicking the link for Gatorlink authentication
Mass_Update_Items_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated user to change the behaviors for all the items within a single title
MySobekViewer_Factory Factory class returns the appropriate mySobek viewer
NewPassword_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated user to change their password
New_Group_And_Item_MySobekViewer Class allows an authenticated RequestSpecificValues.Current_User to submit a new digital resource online, using various possible templates
Preferences_MySobekViewer Class allows an unauthenticated user to register and an authenticated user to change their preferences
abstract_MySobekViewer Abstract class which all mySobek viewer classes extend