C# (CSharp) Smrf.AppLib 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ArgumentChecker Contains methods that check method arguments and property values.
CheckedListBoxPlus Represents a CheckedListBox with additional features.
CollectionUtil Utility methods for working with collections.
ColorGradientPanel Panel control that displays a color gradient across the width of the control.
ColorPicker Represents a user control that allows the user to pick a color.
ComboBoxPlus Represents a ComboBox with additional features.
CountedTermBase Base class for classes that store a term that has been counted.
CountedWord Stores a word that has been counted.
CountedWordPair Stores a pair of words that have been counted.
CryptographyUtil Cryptography utility methods.
EnumUtil Static utility methods involving Enums.
ExcelActiveWorksheetRestorer Saves and restores the active worksheet of an Excel workbook.
ExcelActiveWorksheetState Retains the state of Excel's active worksheet.
ExcelApplicationKiller Kills an Excel application's process on demand.
ExcelCalculationRestorer Restores the Calculation property of an Excel Application object after a specified period.
ExcelColumnHider Hides and shows columns in an Excel workbook.
ExcelDateTimeUtil Static utility methods for working with Excel dates and times.
ExcelRangeSplitter Supports splitting an Excel range into subranges via enumeration.
ExcelTableReader Reads rows from an Excel table.
ExcelTableReader.ExcelTableRow Represents one row in an Excel table.
ExcelWorkbookListBox Represents a ListBox that contains a list of Excel workbook names.
ExceptionUtil Exception utility methods.
FileUtil Static utility methods for working with files.
FolderPathControl Control for getting the path to an existing folder.
FormPlus Represents a Form with additional features.
FormSettings Saves a form's window state and rectangle in the user's settings.
FormUtil Form utility methods.
HelpLinkLabel Represents a LinkLabel that displays its Tag text in a message box when clicked.
ListBoxPlus Represents a ListBox with additional features.
ListControlUtil Utility methods for working with list controls.
ListViewPlus Represents a ListView with additional features.
MathUtil Utility methods for working with numbers.
MenuUtil Menu utility methods.
MySqlUtil Utility methods for working with MySql databases.
ObjectWithText Stores an object along with text that describes the object.
OpenFileDialog2 Represents a smart OpenFileDialog that knows how to get a file name from the user and open an object from the file. Abstract.
PictureBoxPlus Represents a PictureBox with additional features.
SaveFileDialog2 Represents a smart SaveFileDialog that knows how to get a file name from the user and save an object to the file. Abstract.
SaveImageFileDialog Represents a dialog box for saving an image file.
SaveableImageFormats Contains information about image formats that can be saved to disk.
SimpleDateTimeFormatUtil Methods for dealing with SimpleDateTimeFormat enum values.
SimpleDateTimePicker DateTimePicker control that uses a simplified set of date/time formats.
StartProcessLinkLabel Represents a LinkLabel that starts a specified process when clicked.
StringUtil String utility methods.
ToolStripPlus Represents a ToolStrip with additional features.
TrackBarWithDelay TrackBar control that delays its TrackBar.Scroll event until the thumb has stopped moving.
UrlUtil Utility methods for working with URLs.
Win32Functions Contains static methods that call Win32 functions via PInvoke.
Win32Window Wraps a native window handle in an IWin32Window.
ZipUtil Utility methods for working with Zip files.