C# (CSharp) ServiceModelContrib.IoC.Unity 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
ContainerControlledCommunicationObjectLifetimeManager A LifetimeManager that holds onto the ICommunicationObject (typically a WCF client channel proxy) given to it. When the ContainerControlledCommunicationObjectLifetimeManager is disposed, the instance is first properly closed, then disposed (if needed).
HierarchicalLifetimeExtension Unity extension to support proper hierarchical containers; instances created/resolved by the child container will be registered in the child container, even if the type is configured in the parent container.
UnityApplicationContainer Singleton for holding the Application-wide Unity Container.
UnityContainerBehaviorElement Extension Behavior Element to set up the use of the Unity Container behavior.
UnityRegistry Classes that inherit from this base class will get instantiated and ConfigureContainer will be called before the container is used.