C# (CSharp) ScrewTurn.Wiki.SearchEngine 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
DumpedChange Represents a change occurred to the index, structured for easy dumping to disk or database.
DumpedDocument Represents a document structured for easy dumped on disk or database.
DumpedWord Represents a word structured for easy dumping to disk or database.
DumpedWordMapping Contains a word mapping data, structured for easy dumping on disk or database.
InMemoryIndexBase Implements a base class for the search index.
InMemoryIndexWordFetcher Implements a word fetcher for use with the in-memory index.
IndexChangedEventArgs Contains arguments for the IndexChanged event of the IInMemoryIndex interface.
IndexStorerBase Implements a base class for an index storer.
IndexStorerResult Contains the results of an index storer operation.
Relevance Represents the relevance of a search result with two states: non-finalized and finalized. When the state is non-finalized, the value of the relevance has an unknown meaning. When the state is finalized, the value of the relevance is a percentage value representing the relevance of a search result.
SearchParameters Contains search parameters.
SearchResult Represents a search result.
Tools Implements useful methods.
Word Represents a word in a document.
WordId Describes the ID of a word.