C# (CSharp) ScreenToGif.Controls 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ColorThumb The Thumb of the Spectrum Slider.
DoubleNumericUpDown Numeric only control with up and down buttons to change the value.
DragScrollGrid Scroll by Drag Grid TODO: Make a grid that reacts to the drag sideway to increase or decrease a number.
DropDownButton A non-editable ComboBox style.
EncoderListViewItem ListViewItem used by the Encoder window.
FrameListBoxItem Item of a ListBox, basically an imagem with a number.
FreeDrawPanel Panel able to receive paint events.
HideableTabControl Basic class of a Hideable TabControl.
HsvColor Describes a color in terms of Hue, Saturation, and Value (brightness)
ImageButton Button with a image inside.
ImageListBoxItem ListBoxItem used by the languages listBox.
ImageMenuItem MenuItem with an image to the left.
ImageRepeatButton Button with a image inside.
InkCanvasExtended InkCanvasControl class extending the InkCanvas class
LightWindow Light Window used by the Recorder.
NoDoubleClickTreeView We use this TreeView instead of delivered one, because the last has a bug with double click event.
NumericUpDown Numeric only control with up and down buttons to change the value.
PuncturedRect PuncturedRectangle class.
RangeSlider Range Slider control.
ResizingAdorner The Resizing Adorner controls. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/274bc547-dadf-42b5-b3f1-6d29407f9e79/resize-adorner-scale-problem?forum=wpf
ScreenToGifTrayIcon Wraps a WinForm NotifyIcon and adds a ScreenToGif logo to it.
SnapShots The Snapshot control.
SpectrumSlider Spectrum Slider.
TextPath This class generates a Geometry from a block of text in a specific font, weight, etc. and renders it to WPF as a shape.
TrayIcon Wraps a WinForm NotifyIcon and adds a ScreenToGif logo to it.
WebcamControl Interaction logic for WebcamControl.xaml