이름 |
설명 |
AttachmentListBoxItem |
AwareTabItem |
CircularProgressBar |
ColorThumb |
The Thumb of the Spectrum Slider. |
CroppingAdorner |
DoubleBox |
DoubleNumericUpDown |
Numeric only control with up and down buttons to change the value. |
DragScrollGrid |
Scroll by Drag Grid TODO: Make a grid that reacts to the drag sideway to increase or decrease a number. |
DropDownButton |
A non-editable ComboBox style. |
EncoderListViewItem |
ListViewItem used by the Encoder window. |
FrameListBoxItem |
Item of a ListBox, basically an imagem with a number. |
FreeDrawPanel |
Panel able to receive paint events. |
HeaderedTooltip |
HideableTabControl |
Basic class of a Hideable TabControl. |
HsvColor |
Describes a color in terms of Hue, Saturation, and Value (brightness) |
ImageButton |
Button with a image inside. |
ImageListBoxItem |
ListBoxItem used by the languages listBox. |
ImageMenuItem |
MenuItem with an image to the left. |
ImageRadioButton |
ImageRepeatButton |
Button with a image inside. |
ImageScrollViewer |
InkCanvasExtended |
InkCanvasControl class extending the InkCanvas class |
LightWindow |
Light Window used by the Recorder. |
NoDoubleClickTreeView |
We use this TreeView instead of delivered one, because the last has a bug with double click event. |
NumericTextBox |
NumericUpDown |
Numeric only control with up and down buttons to change the value. |
PuncturedRect |
PuncturedRectangle class. |
RangeSlider |
Range Slider control. |
ResizingAdorner |
The Resizing Adorner controls. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/274bc547-dadf-42b5-b3f1-6d29407f9e79/resize-adorner-scale-problem?forum=wpf |
ScreenToGifTrayIcon |
Wraps a WinForm NotifyIcon and adds a ScreenToGif logo to it. |
SnapShots |
The Snapshot control. |
SpectrumSlider |
Spectrum Slider. |
TextPath |
This class generates a Geometry from a block of text in a specific font, weight, etc. and renders it to WPF as a shape. |
TrayIcon |
Wraps a WinForm NotifyIcon and adds a ScreenToGif logo to it. |
WebcamControl |
Interaction logic for WebcamControl.xaml |
ZoomBox |