이름 |
설명 |
AccountController |
AccountController.ChallengeResult |
AuthorizeController |
BlogsController |
This is an example of a Controller using GenericServices database commands directly to the data class (other that List, which needs a DTO) In this case we are using normal, non-async commands |
DashboardController |
DebugController |
HomeController |
ManageController |
PostsAsyncController |
PostsController |
This is an example of a Controller using GenericServices database commands with a DTO. In this case we are using normal, non-async commands |
ProductsController |
SectionsController |
SignupController |
StudentsController |
TagsAsyncController |
This is an example of a Controller using GenericServices database commands directly to the data class (other that List, which needs a DTO) In this case we are using async commands |
TagsController |
ValuesController |