C# (CSharp) SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
ConcDecorator This class exists to decorate the main SDA for concordance views and browse views that show occurrence counts. It implements the Occurrences and OccurrencesCount properties for WfiWordform, WfiAnalysis, and/or WfiGloss. Both occurrences and OccurrencesCount are decorator rather than virtual properties because the results depend on per-window choices of which texts to include. It also implements the property ConcOccurrences, which is a decorator-only object as well as a decorator-only property. ConcOccurrences is the top-level list of occurrences of whatever the user asked to search for in Concordance view. Occurrences are 'fake' HVOs that don't correspond to any real object in the database. They also have properties only recognized by the decorator, such as a reference, begin and end character offsets (in the original paragraph string...used to bold the keyword), the object (typically StTxtPara) and segment they belong to, and several other derived properties which can be displayed in optional columns of the concordance views.
ConcRecordClerk This one is used for concordances. Currently a concordance never controls the record bar, and indicating this prevents a variety of activity that undesirably calls CurrentObject, which causes problems because in a concordance list the HVOs don't correspond to real FDO objects.
DTMenuHandler DTMenuHandler provides context menus to the data tree. When the user (or test code) selects issues commands, this class also invokes the corresponding methods on the data tree. You may create subclasses to do smart things with menus.
DataTreeImages Summary description for DataTreeImages.
DeExportDialog This creates a special version of ExportDialog so we can export without displaying dialogs
ExportDialog ExportDialog implements an XML-configurable set of export choices. The base class here implements the main lexicon export (and thus has some specific behavior we may want to refactor into a subclass one day). Override ConfigurationFilePath to give the path to a file (like the one in the example here) from the FW root directory. This file specifies what will appear in the export options. You will typically also need to override the actual Export process, unless it is a standard FXT export.
ExportDialog.TranslatedListsExporter This encapsulates exporting one or more CmPossibilityLists in one or more writing systems.
FakeDecorator a Decorator which implements OccurrenceCount to return whatever we want (0 by default).
FileStreamXmlResolver Passing null as XmlResolver does not work on Linux. To avoid trying to resolve URLs in a way that works on both platforms we use this dummy class. It does the minimum URL handling to make the Mono validator work. That means it has to handle file:// URLs, because even the base XML file is passed to this routine to resolve. However, it seems to work to return null when resolving a non-file URL (like a DTD on the web), or if we are asked to return some other type besides a stream. The current version returns an empty stream if it is asked for a stream and passed a URI it can't handle. I think this was required in at least one case.
FwXApp Summary description for XApp.
FwXWindow Summary description for FwXWindow.
GeneratedHtmlViewer Summary description for GeneratedHtmlViewer.
GlobalSettingServices Global setting services provides a simple API for persisting and restoring global settings that affect all windows. The intended use is that each window, when it saves its settings, passes its property table to SaveSettings so that any global settings can be recorded. The first window to open (on a particular database) should call RestoreSettings.
InterestingTextList The interesting texts list is responsible for maintaining a list of the texts that should be displayed in the Interlinear Texts tool and searched in the various concordance tools. Currently this is all the StTexts owned by Texts (that is, the main collection of interlinear texts in the language project), and selected sections of Scripture. The list is persisted in the mediator's property table, being thus specific to one user, and possibly a particular window. It implements IVwNotifyChange and updates the list when various relevant properties change.
InterestingTextsDecorator This class exists to decorate the main SDA for concordance views. It implements the Occurrences and OccurrencesCount properties for WfiWordform.
LocalDragItem Used to represent a drag from one place in the tree view to another. This is the only kind of drag currently supported.
MacroF2 Mock macro for F2 key. In this one we only use the PreferredFunctionKey.
MacroF4 A more complete mock for the F4 key. RunMacro sets a string property. This verifies that we are getting the unit of work into the required state.
MainEntryFromSubEntryTargetAdjuster If the initial target is a subentry replace it with the appropriate top-level entry.
MatchingItemsRecordClerk This is a record clerk that can be used in a guicontrol where the parent control knows when the list contents have changed, and to what. You must use a MatchingItemsRecordList whenever you use a MatchingItemsRecordClerk.
MockSelection This class mocks the (unfortunately huge) IVwSelection. Only the first couple of methods are actually used by MacroListener, others are left unimplemented. Enhance JohnT: this would be better done with some sort of dynamic mock, so that changes to parts of the interface we don't care about won't have to be made here. But we haven't settled on a mock framework for FLEx.
PossibilityTreeBarHandler makes a hierarchical tree of possibility items, *even if the record list is flattened*
RecordBarHandler Responsible for populating the XCore tree bar with the records.
RecordBarListHandler Summary description for RecordBarListHandler.
RecordClerk Takes care of a list of records, standing between it and the UI.
RecordClerk.ListUpdateHelper This class helps manage multiple changes to a record list. By default, it will suspend full Reloads initiated by PropChanged until we finish. During dispose, we'll ReloadList if we tried to reload the list via PropChanged.
RecordClerkFactory This class creates a RecordClerk, or one of its subclasses, based on what is declared in the main element.
RecordEditView RecordEditView implements a RecordView (view showing one object at a time from a sequence) in which the single object is displayed using a DataTree configured using XDEs. It requires that the XML configuration node have the attribute 'templatePath' (in addition to 'field' as required by RecordView to specify the list of objects). This tells it where to start looking for XDEs. This path is relative to the FW root directory (DistFiles in a development system), e.g., "IText\XDEs". This version uses the DetailControls version of DataTree, and will eventually replace the original.
RecordNavigationInfo The argument used when we broadcast OnRecordNavigation.
RecordView RecordView is an abstract class for data views that show one object from a list. A RecordClerk class does most of the work of managing the list and current object. list management and navigation is entirely handled by the RecordClerk. RecordClerk has no knowledge of how to display an individual object. A concrete subclass must handle this task. Concrete subclasses must: 1. Implement IxCoreColleague.Init, which should call InitBase, do any other initialization, and then set m_fullyInitialized. 2. Implement the pane that shows the current object. Typically, set its Dock property to DockStyle.Fill and add it to this.Controls. This is typically done in an override of SetupDataContext. 3. Implement ShowRecord to update the view of the object to a display of Clerk.CurrentObject. Subclasses may: - Override ReadParameters to extract info from the configuration node. (This is the representation of the XML node from the node used to invoke the window.) - Override GetMessageAdditionalTargets to provide message handlers in addition to the record clerk and this.
RuntimeSwitches Just a shell class for containing runtime Switches for controling the diagnostic output. This could go in any file in the XWorks namespace, It's just here as a starting point.
SubitemRecordClerk A SubItemRecordClerk has an additional notion of the current item. Within the current item of the RecordList, a smaller item may be selected. For example, the main list may be of top-level RnGenericRecords, but the SubItemRecordClerk can trak owned records. Currently, the subitem must be owned by the top-level item, and displayed in the document view using direct owning relationships. Possible subitems are configured by noting the property that can contain them (possibly recursively).
TemporaryRecordClerk This is a record clerk that can be used in a disposable context such as in a guicontrol in a dialog. For example, a normal RecordClerk will publish that it has become the "ActiveClerk" whenever ActivateUI is called. We don't want this to happen for record clerks that will only be used in a dialog, because the "ActiveClerk" will then become disposed after the dialog closes.
XmlDocConfigureDlg.LayoutLevels This class provides a stack of nodes that represent a level (possibly hidden) in displaying the configuration tree.
XmlDocConfigureDlg.PartCaller This class encapsulates a part (ref=) and its enclosing layout.
XmlDocView XmlDocView is a view that shows a complete list as a single view. A RecordClerk class does most of the work of managing the list and current object. list management and navigation is entirely(?) handled by the RecordClerk. The actual view of each object is specified by a child node of the view node. This specifies how to display an individual list item.