C# (CSharp) SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.DomainServices.DataMigration 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ClassStructureInfo Provide information on class and superclass of a DomainObjectDTO.
DataMigration7000011 Migrates from 7000010 to 7000011
DataMigration7000012 Migrates from 7000011 to 7000012
DataMigration7000013 Migrates from 7000012 to 7000013
DataMigration7000014 Migrates from 7000013 to 7000014
DataMigration7000015 Migrates from 7000014 to 7000015
DataMigration7000019 Migrates from 7000018 to 7000019. JohnT: In this migration, at least, the model Writing System objects go away. Therefore it is important to preserve as much information as possible from them in LDML files which replace them. If there is already a relevant LDML in the folder we leave it alone. Otherwise if there is an appropriate one in the set we shipped with FieldWorks, we copy the relevant information from that. Otherwise we make one the best we can from the old writing system FDO object. This all gets more difficult as FieldWorks moves further away from version 7000019. The first version of this migration made the new LDML by creating an actual PalasoWritingSystem object, initializing it with the relevant data, and letting it save itself. This stopped working in July 2011, when WritingSystemDefn got more picky about what IDs it would accept. We could no longer use it for a data migration which does not include fixing the IDs. So far, we can still extract the information we want from the current LDML files in the release. This too may change.
DataMigration7000051 Migrate data from 7000050 to 7000051. Change the LangProject Guid to really be unique between different projects, so Lift Bridge is happy.
DataMigration7000052 Migrate data from 7000051 to 7000052. Change the LangProject Guid to really be unique between different projects, so Lift Bridge is happy.
DataMigration7000056 Migrate data from 7000055 to 7000056. Change the LangProject Guid to really be unique between different projects, so Lift Bridge is happy.
DataMigration7000057 Migrate data from 7000056 to 7000057. Data migration to change Irregularly Inflected Form variant types to class LexEntryInflType (for LT-7581).
DataMigration7000058 Migrate data from 7000057 to 7000058. Data migration to change Irregularly Inflected Form variant types to class LexEntryInflType (for LT-7581).
DataMigration7000062 1. Do the new styles guids properly. A. Remove any unowned StStyle instances, since 38014 didn't remove the old ones or add the new ones to respective owners. B. Reset the "Version" properties to the respective fooStyles.xml files, *before* changeset 38014. This is for CmResource instances with names of "TeStyles" and "FlexStyles", if they are in the data set. 2. Run Delint method to clean up everything. (Includes removing any new zombies from Step 2.)
DataMigration7000066 Migrate data from 7000065 to 7000066. Redux of DM64, but using a real DM. This will make sure that all missing xml elements for basic data properties (including basic custom properties) are included in the xml.
DataMigration7000067 Migrate data from 7000066 to 7000067. Remove all atributes from "Uni" element.
DataMigrationServices Class that performs services for data migrations.
DomainObjectDTO Class to be used as the Data Transfer Object (DTO) between BEP-land and Data Migration-land (DM-land). (DTOs move data from point A to point B, but have no behavior.) An instance of DomainObjectDTO will represent one ICmObject of some class, but will be able to 'live' in an older model version and a newer model version during a data migration, where a real ICmObject could not. Instances of this object will be available to DM-land via a special Repository.
ElementBounds This class stores some bounds of an XML element stored inside a byte array.
ElementTags This class stores the begin and end tags for an XML element as byte arrays. This is useful in conjuction with the ElementBounds class, which is useful to avoid creating XElement objects and thus consuming time and memory.
FdoDataMigrationManager Implementation of IDataMigrationManager
Version19LangTagUtils Fragments we need of LangTagUtils, compatible with expectations for version 19.