C# (CSharp) Rock.Store 네임스페이스


이름 설명
InstalledPackage Represents a store promo.
InstalledPackageService Service class for the store category model.
Organization Represents a store category for packages.
OrganizationService Service class for the store category model.
Package Represents a package in the store.
PackageCategory Represents a store category for packages.
PackageCategoryService Service class for the store category model.
PackageInstallStep Represents a store category for packages.
PackageService Service class for the store package model.
PackageVendor Represents a vendor that created the package.
PackageVersion Represents a store category for packages.
PackageVersionRating Represents a store category for packages.
PackageVersionRatingService Service class for the store category model.
PackageVersionService Service class for the store category model.
Promo Represents a store promo.
PromoService Service class for the store promotions model.
PurchaseResponse Represents a store category for packages.
StoreImage Represents a package in the store.
StoreModel Base model class for the store
StoreService Service class for the store category model.
StoreServiceBase Base service class for store services