C# (CSharp) RevitLookup.Snoop.Data 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Angle Snoop.Data class to hold and format an Angle value.
BindingMap Snoop.Data class to hold and format a BindingMap value.
Bool Snoop.Data class to hold and format a Bool value.
CategoryNameMap Snoop.Data class to hold and format a CategoryNameMap value.
CategorySeparator Snoop.Data class to hold and format a CategorySeparator value.
ClassSeparator Snoop.Data class to hold and format a ClassSeparator value.
Data This is the base class for all types of "Snoop.Data". Basically, we want something smarter than the original data type so that we can hook it up to an editor and allow its output to go different places.
Double Snoop.Data class to hold and format a Double value.
ElementGeometry Snoop.Data class to hold and format an Object value.
ElementId Snoop.Data class to hold and format an ElementId value.
ElementSet Snoop.Data class to hold and format an ElementSet value.
Enumerable Snoop.Data class to hold and format an Enumerable value. This class can be used for any object that supports the IEnumerable interface. However, some classes, such as a Map, are better seen visually in Key/Value pairs vs a straight list of enumerated objects. Use this when it works well, but write your own Snoop.Data object for Enumerable cases that need better feedback to the user.
Exception Snoop.Data class to hold and format a Exception value.
Int Snoop.Data class to hold and format an Integer value.
Object Snoop.Data class to hold and format an Object value.
ParameterSet Snoop.Data class to hold and format an ElementSet value.
String Snoop.Data class to hold and format a String value.
Uv Snoop.Data class to hold and format a UV value.
Xml Snoop.Data class to hold and format a chunk of XML.
Xyz Snoop.Data class to hold and format an XYZ value.