C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.ShaftHolePuncher.CS 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ITool Abstract class used as a base class of all drawing tool class
LineTool tool used to draw line
Matrix4 Matrix used to transform between ucs coordinate and world coordinate.
Profile base class of ProfileFloor, ProfileWall and ProfileNull. contains the profile information and can calculate matrix to transform point to 2D plane
ProfileBeam ProfileBeam class contains the information about profile of beam, and contains method used to create opening on a beam.
ProfileFloor ProfileFloor class contains the information about profile of floor, and contains method used to create Opening on floor
ProfileNull ProfileNull class contains method to draw a coordinate system, and contains method used to create Shaft Opening
ProfileWall ProfileWall class contains the information about profile of a wall, and contains method to create Opening on a wall
RectangleTool tool used to draw line
ShaftHolePuncherForm window form contains one picture box to show the profile of a wall or floor, and three command buttons. User can draw curves of opening in picture box.
Vector4 Vector4 class used to store vector and contain method to handle the vector