C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.Reinforcement.CS 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BeamFramReinMaker The class derived from FramReinMaker shows how to create the rebars for a beam
BeamFramReinMakerForm The form is used for collecting information of beam reinforcement creation
BeamGeometrySupport The geometry support for reinforcement creation on beam. It can prepare the geometry information for top rebar, bottom and transverse rebar creation
ColumnFramReinMaker The class derived form FramReinMaker showes how to create the rebars for a column
ColumnFramReinMakerForm The form is used for collecting information of column reinforcement creation
ColumnGeometrySupport The geometry support for reinforcement creation on conlumn. It can prepare the geometry information for transverse and vertical rebar creation
FramReinMaker The base class for family instance reinforcement creation. It only implement the Run() method. which give the flow process for creation.
FrameReinMakerFactory The factory to create the corresponding FrameReinMaker, such as BeamFramReinMaker.
GeomUtil The class which give the base geometry operation, it is a static class.
GeometrySupport The base class which support beamGeometrySupport and ColumnGeometrySupport etc. it store some common geometry information, and give some helper fuctions
ParameterUtil contain utility methods find or set certain parameter