C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.ObjectViewer.CS 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ErrorMessageException pass error message to UI or back to internal error messagebox by Execute method in IExternalCommand
GeometryData The GeometryDatafactory object is used to transform Revit geometry data to appropriate format for GDI.
Graphics2DData data class for graphics 2D
Graphics3DData data class for graphics 3D
GraphicsData datasource that can bind to PictureBox3D
GraphicsDataBase abstrace class include general members
MathUtil utility class provide arithmetic of matrix
ModelData generate GraphicsData by give geometry object
ObjectViewer main command class of the ObjectViewer application
ObjectViewerForm a class inherit from Form is used to display an element and its parameters
Para a class used to define a parameter of Element
ParasFactory a class used to create BindingList
Sketch3D provide methods to draw objects
UCS This class stand for user coordinate system
Vector Point class use to store point coordinate value and get the value via (x, y ,z)property